Archivos de diario de julio 2016

31 de julio de 2016

Trip to Pagoda and Turtlehead Mountains in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana, USA

This Journal entry is really a way to group all my observations for plants and flowers (mostly) that I have tried to identify, but have relatively little confidence in, because I don't know much about flowers in Montana.

Much of the information I have learned is from the Montana Field Guide, which is a very nice resource.

If anyone knows plants in this region, or knows of someone who does, I sure would love to know whether any of my IDs are correct, and what some of my unknown flowers/plants are.

Publicado el julio 31, 2016 05:32 MAÑANA por beschwar beschwar | 80 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Odonates of Montana - July 2016

I'm grouping all my Odonate observations from my Montana trip so that I can find them easier, and also so I hope folks might be able to help me ID things a bit faster. :-)

I was and still am pretty unfamiliar with Dragons and Damsels in the north, and before going on this trip I looked on iNat and was surprised to find that there were only about 25 observations from the entire state. Seems there is a hole in the USA for Odonates on iNat! Odonate Central lists many more records for the state, but many of them lack photos, so I was still not quite sure what I would see.

With this in mind, I set a silly goal of doubling the number of iNat Odonate observations while on this trip.

As luck would have it (or not, for Ode hunting), I spent much of my time at higher altitudes on a caving expedition, and the weather was pretty cold and rainy the entire time - not great for finding these guys. I also think that the higher altitude was too early in the season for them. I did see a couple damselfly larvae in a mid-elevation stream, but never saw any adults.

In any event, I'll keep working on IDs for my unknowns, but if @jimjohnson , @greglasley, @scottking, or anyone else who might be familiar with this area has the time to look at some of these, I sure would appreciate it.

Publicado el julio 31, 2016 07:35 TARDE por beschwar beschwar | 25 observaciones | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario