12 de septiembre de 2024

Draft post for September or October - Yellow Flag Iris

Usually Yellow Flag Iris is easily identified by its bright and beautiful yellow flowers. However, when these flowers are not yet present there are other ID features you can use to help determine if you have encountered an invasive Yellow Flag Iris.

Seed pods
This Invasive plant has large green seed pods that contain up to 120 seeds per pod. When the pods mature, they turn brown and release glossy, D shaped seeds that float on water and spread to new locations.

The leaves of Yellow Flag Iris are fan shaped, and have a prominent mid vein. The roots are pink/purple, and the plant also spreads through rhizomes.

CSISS staff were recently pulling out a patch of this plant along the Turner Creek trail in Salmon Arm. This plant grows in riparian areas such as ditches, canals, and wetlands. It forms dense mats which increase sedimentation and allow more invasive plants to grow. These dense mats block the flow of water into wetlands, irrigation ditches, and flood control canals. In addition, Yellow Flag Iris out competes native cattails which are important to our wetland environments!

Publicado el septiembre 12, 2024 09:07 TARDE por csiss csiss | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

29 de agosto de 2024

Invasive Species removal a success for Bighorn Sheep Conservation Project

Recent news has highlighted the importance of invasive species awareness and removal!

Common Burdock is an invasive plant originating from Europe that can produce up to 16,000 seeds per plant. The burs from this plant can stick to the fur of animals, or the hair of CSISS employees, creating dense mats that can cause health problems.

The Bighorn Sheep population of Kicking Horse Canyon has been facing a decline due to multiple stressors, including poor habitat quality. The Ungulate Winter Range Project was created to help enhance and protect habitat for Big Horn Sheep within Golden, BC. The Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society (CSISS) has helped facilitate the inventory and removal of invasive species from the herd’s winter range. These efforts aim to enhance ecological integrity and improve the quality of their overall territory. Photos recently contributed to CSISS by biologist Stephanie Higgins, show success for invasive species management, depicting a significant decline of invasive burs stuck on the fur of the sheep!

CSISS has only been involved in the invasive species management component of the project and
to learn more about the Ungulate Winter Range Project you can visit: www.cirque-ecological.ca.

How can you help?
You can contribute to improving local environments by preventing the spread of invasive species through best practices like Play Clean Go, by making sure after you recreate you remove any mud, dirt or plant parts that may contain invasive seeds, from yourself, gear, including footwear and bikes and your pets! To prevent the introduction of invasive plants be Plantwise, avoid purchasing invasive
plants that are commonly sold or shared at garden centres and seed swaps.

Publicado el agosto 29, 2024 08:59 TARDE por csiss csiss | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de julio de 2024

On Alert for Black Henbane

For the first time, Black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) has been confirmed in Golden!

Why is this sighting of Black Henbane in Golden bad news?

  • Listed as a provincial Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) species - we want to catch it early before it establishes in the province.
  • Toxic to humans and animals
  • Harbors major crop pests, threatening food security
  • Difficult to eradicate once established
  • Prevents native plant growth by creating dense shade and leaf litter
  • Thrives in agricultural and disturbed areas

What can you do?
Report sightings using iNaturalist or via the Report Invasive Species app or email invasive.plants@gov.bc.ca

Prevention is key!

  • Play Clean Go: Make sure to clean off seeds that might have attached to your clothing, equipment, and vehicle after being on the trails and before heading somewhere new!
  • Be Plantwise and make informed choices for your garden.
Publicado el julio 23, 2024 09:04 TARDE por csiss csiss | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

02 de julio de 2024

Dalmatian Toadflax Student Weed Pull

As part of our school visits last month, CSISS has had some helpers for pulling weeds! Students from the local elementary schools in Revelstoke have been lending a hand to remove Dalmatian Toadflax. This invasive species spreads through roots and seeds, is toxic to livestock, and displaces native species. The students dug up the roots and pulled out flowering stems of the plants and removed several patches from the local Greenbelt trail. Good work everyone!

Key ID features of Dalmatian Toadflax:

  • yellow flowers that resemble snap dragons
  • heart shaped leaves
  • pale green alternate leaves that attach to the stem
  • milky sap
Publicado el julio 2, 2024 05:45 TARDE por csiss csiss | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de junio de 2024

Common Culprits

Did you know it is not illegal for garden centres to sell invasive plants? As spring gardening begins, CSISS is calling upon gardeners to be vigilant about the seed packs, plants, and wildflower seed mixes they purchase or share. It is currently not illegal to import, purchase, or sell invasive plants in British Columbia. CSISS is working to collaborate with garden centers and plant nurseries across the region to ensure they are not providing invasive species for sale. Here are a few common culprits to keep an eye out for! If you see these seeds or plants being sold, let the garden centre and your friends know, and do not purchase!

  • common periwinkle
  • baby's breath
  • foxglove
  • mountain bluet (also known as corn flower)
  • morning glory
  • oxeye daisy

Have you seen any of these species in the wild recently? It is likely they escaped from gardens or were planted/dumped there.

Publicado el junio 7, 2024 12:03 MAÑANA por csiss csiss | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

02 de mayo de 2024

Priority Invasive Plants

The Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society updated our priority plant lists on April 9 at the annual Land Manager Meeting to guide the inventory, treatment, and monitoring of invasive plants in the region.

Priority Plant Lists
These lists contain six rankings based on how established a species is and their potential impact within the region. In the meeting, hoary cress was discussed as a species to keep at the highest possible alert level, and cheatgrass was highlighted as a species with insufficient information. CSISS is encouraging everyone to be aware of these species, and report sightings on our website, using the provincial reporting form, or the Report Invasives app on your phone. Follow CSISS and join our project “2024 CSISS Priority Invasive Plants” to help keep an eye out for these invasive species.

Hoary cress
Hoary cress is one of the province’s top 25 invasive plants and spreads quickly through prolific seed production and rhizome spread. It is commonly spread through contaminated hay and seeds, and prefers open sunny areas such as pastures and meadows. Hoary cress presents a threat to agriculture as it lowers crop yields and can ruin livestock products. Laura Gaster, Field Manager for CSISS, stated “with the development of the Shuswap North Okanagan Rail Trail, this plant has a higher potential to spread into our region. It is important for everyone to keep an eye out for hoary cress and remember to Play Clean Go after being on the trails.” This plant is 10-60 centimetres tall, has blue-green arrow shaped leaves and many small white flowers in clusters at the top of the stem. It has two heart shaped seed pods per flower.

It is possible cheatgrass has been in the region for a while, but there is insufficient information on this invasive species. CSISS would like to bring awareness to this plant to gather more information, as it poses a significant fire hazard. Cheatgrass grows in monocultures that bloom very early and quickly dry out, generating a large amount of fuel for fires. This grass can be up to 75 centimetres tall, and has slender branches that droop with hairy green stems. It has a loose branching structure with seed heads that have sharp points (awns) sticking out from the tip.

Publicado el mayo 2, 2024 09:51 TARDE por csiss csiss | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

03 de abril de 2024

Spring, is that you?!

Springtime has arrived, and as the last of the snow melts away and the flowers start popping up, we are starting to ID what we are seeing! We have been noticing these small purple and blue flowers jumping up around town, and it looks like they are Boissier's Glory of the the Snow, in the genus Scilla. These plants are native to Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, and some species have naturalized throughout North America.

While spring means more species to observe and ID, it also means it’s time to garden! The Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society (CSISS) would like to remind gardeners to be vigilant about the seed packs, plants, and wildflower seed mixes they purchase or share. Despite the absence of legislation making it illegal to import, purchase, or sell invasive plants in British Columbia, CSISS is working to collaborate with garden centres and plant nurseries across the region to ensure they are not inadvertently providing invasive species for sale. CSISS has useful resources to help you learn to identify and manage invasive plants through our website (https://columbiashuswapinvasives.org/resources/resources-for-gardeners/). You can also learn more about choosing native and non-invasive plants for your garden through the provincial PlantWise (https://bcinvasives.ca/play-your-part/plantwise/) program. Here’s a few tips for making your garden a biodiverse native plant paradise!

  • Request non-invasive plants and be aware of seed mixes

We are thrilled that most plant nurseries and garden centres are helping to protect native biodiversity by doing their best to provide only non-invasive plants for purchase. Support your local garden centre by asking for non-invasive varieties of plants. One common issue often overlooked by consumers is the presence of invasive species in seed mixes. These mixes, while economical and prolific in producing flowers and seeds, may contain seeds of invasive plants that pose a threat to local ecosystems. CSISS urges gardeners to carefully examine seed packs and, if necessary, seek out the species ingredient list, which can often be found on the seed producer's website.

  • Include some veggies!

Check with your local nursery to see what options they might have available. Vegetable plants are not invasive and growing your own is rewarding and a great sustainable practice to include in your garden!

  • Discover what’s in your backyard

Be on the lookout for potential invaders and get started on weeding in your yard early this season! Check our website for tips on how to manage and dispose of invasive plants from your property. Invasive plant disposal is free at CSRD landfills and transfer stations – just let the attendant know and ensure plants are bagged.

  • Go for a plant ID walk

No yard? No problem, go for a walk and take note of the plants you see in your neighborhood. As shoots emerge from hiding and flowers flourish, you can use the Report an Invasive Weed App (https://www.reportaweedbc.ca/#:~:text=The%20mobile%20Report%2Da%2DWeed,with%20the%20appropriate%20local%20authorities.) to help identify and report invasive plants that you come across.

For more information on invasive species management or to seek assistance, contact CSISS at info@columbiashuswapinvasives.org or follow us on Instagram and Facebook @ColumbiaShuswapInvasives.

Publicado el abril 3, 2024 06:43 TARDE por csiss csiss | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario