Snow Goose in Wenatchee, Washington

The story behind this sighting: Students from Mission View Elementary School's 3rd grade and I were doing a nature walk along the path next to the Columbia River. As we were observing the area one of the boys, I think, noticed that there was a white bird mixed into a flock of (nine) Canada Geese across the park on the other side of a pond in the rugby field. I went back with my camera and took some photos. I also contacted two local bird photographers and one was able to come down to get better photos. He is the president of our Audubon Society and he identified it later.

The pond was because the Columbia River was high and it raised the water table inside Confluence State Park, so that the Rugby field and several other areas were flooded with seepage from ground water. The flock of geese was joined for a few moments by a Mallard Hen and then three starlings which fed at the edge of the vernal pool. The killdeer seemed to have just flown in to feed on the other side of the pond and did not appear to pay any attention to the geese.

The Wenatchee Museum and Cultural Center and the Wenatchee Row and Paddle Club work together to bring students out the Confluence State Park to paddle in voyageur canoes. This began on the 200th anniversary of David Thompson's trip down the Columbia River, which was celebrated along the river in 2011. Since then thousands of students have come to the park to explore nature and experience a short paddle to the mouth of the Wenatchee River. Once in a while we get to observe something special, like this Snow Goose.

Publicado el junio 6, 2018 02:51 TARDE por wenatcheeb wenatcheeb


Fotos / Sonidos


Ganso Blanco (Anser caerulescens)




Mayo 23, 2018 a las 10:19 MAÑANA PDT


We were working with students in the park and one asked about the white goose. I then called the president of Audubon and he came down and confirmed that it was a Snow Goose that was not where it ought to be at this time of year. It stayed near the Canada geese for several hours, eating and wading.

Fotos / Sonidos


Ganso Canadiense Mayor (Branta canadensis)




Mayo 23, 2018 a las 10:21 MAÑANA PDT


Canada Goose flock of 9 birds, with Snow goose visitor. They pretty much ignored the Snow Goose, but allowed it to mingle with the flock.

Fotos / Sonidos


Chorlo Gritón (Charadrius vociferus)




Mayo 23, 2018 a las 11:18 MAÑANA PDT


There were two killdeer that landed near the "pond" where the water table was raised by the high water on the Columbia River.

Fotos / Sonidos


Estornino Pinto Eurasiático (Sturnus vulgaris)




Mayo 23, 2018 a las 11:20 MAÑANA PDT


These starlings joined the Canada Geese and Snow Goose for a few moments.

Fotos / Sonidos


Pato Norteño (Anas platyrhynchos)




Mayo 23, 2018 a las 11:14 MAÑANA PDT


Same photo, one is cropped. Mallard hen joined Canada Geese and Snow Goose for a short time. She may be the same one I saw the day before in the river, where it flooded the swimming area. She was alone then too.


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