How Many Have We Seen?

iNaturalist recently announced* that users had submitted observations of over 50% of all vertebrate species in the world. Nearly all species of some groups have observations on iNaturalist (ex: 92% of bird species), while others have further to go (ex: only 31% of ray-finned fish species). Mammals, reptiles, and amphibians all came in between 50% and 60%.

This prompted us at the CDC to do some number crunching of our own to see how Manitoba compared. Overall, about 80% of all vertebrate species known to occur in the province have at least one research-grade observation in Manitoba. Keen iNaturalist users (iNatters?) have spotted all the reptile and amphibian species known for Manitoba! We’re getting close for birds (81%) and mammals (70%), but have a ways to go with fish (51%).

Some of the more charismatic invertebrate groups are also well-represented on iNaturalist for Manitoba (ex: 73% of butterfly species). For plants, Manitoba iNaturalist observations include about 53% of the species known to occur in the province.

Thanks to everyone who has submitted or identified an observation – we wouldn’t have gotten this far without you! Keep those observations coming!

*The announcement can be found here:

Publicado el febrero 12, 2021 07:22 TARDE por manitoba_cdc manitoba_cdc


Very interesting, thanks for the analysis

Publicado por georectified hace más de 3 años

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