Sticta torii
Keep an eye out for this new lichen species on the coast. It is so far known from only 5 sites, including 3 in Oregon: Cape Lookout, Cape Perpetua & Rock Creek (Lane County). All occurrences were on the outermost branches of trees on the beach fringe, exposed to ocean storms.
From afar it may look like a small Sticta fuliginosa (<2cm across), but up close you can see that the isidia are richly branched and clustered near the margins. The mature isidia are tree-like, supported by a basal stalk. There is a dichotomous key to the genus in the paper linked below.
@augustjackson @brucen @chyroptera @deanwalton @ellement @harsiparker @metsa @mikepatterson @rerobertsjr @sedgequeen @space_coyote @stewartwechsler @wweellll
Please share with anyone who may be looking for lichens on the PNW coast
A timely post, as I was just going over how to distinguish Sticta fulginosa yesterday! I can now picture a variation on that with richly branched isidia better than I might have 2 days ago!
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
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