Happy April Everyone! Spring is well on it's way and I am excited for the warm weather in our future. This summer I will be hosting monthly pollinator walks. Please join us if you are interested! Each month we will meet at a different park and spend about an hour walking through the park taking photos of all the insects we can find.
The April pollinator walk will be held on Sunday April 30th from 1:00-2:00pm at Nose Hill Park. *weather dependent
This months walk will be held during the City Nature Challenge that runs from April 28th to May 1st. In addition to the early-season pollinators we find, as we walk though the park we can also take pictures of animals, plants, birds, fungi, mosses, etc., to participate in the City Nature Challenge. More information about the 2023 City Nature Challenge can be found on the Calgary City Nature Challenge 2023 page
All existing observations and all the data collected this year from April 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023, will be included in my research. Please try your best to link your pollinator observations to a plant observation so the iNaturalist community can help identify the plant as well. Instructions on how to create an associated observation can be found here How to Use the "Associated Observations" Field
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