One week to prep!

Hey folks! I'm starting to get keen for the Blitz next week.

I'm hoping we can get even more people involved this year, so please let any interested friends, family or colleagues know that it's on!!

Would anyone be interested if I organised a group walk somewhere for a couple of hours? It would be BioBlitz style, so we probably wouldn't get very far and would document as much as possible. If there's some people interested I would probably organise it for the Sunday sometime.

I haven't made any plans yet but I am staying closer to home than usual, so I might have to get creative with some of my locations this year.

Anyone made any plans yet?

My inspirational image today is of an undescribed land planarian, Cotyloplana sp, I saw in Bruxner park a couple of weeks ago, soon to be named!


Publicado el septiembre 12, 2024 03:29 TARDE por nicklambert nicklambert


Great idea! But... I'm in Sydney this weekend, so no go for me. All going well, back for bioblitz though. Looking forward to it.

Publicado por isie hace 29 días

Hey isie, that'd be great if you are back for the Bioblitz!
I meant for the walk to be on next Sunday during the Bioblitz, if we have some people that are keen.

Publicado por nicklambert hace 29 días

Ah, cool. I should be back, but please don't plan around me.

Publicado por isie hace 28 días

Thanks Nick, I would love to come out with you at some point. For this bioblitz I only have Friday free (incase you have time & would like to). The rest of the time I have planned out Bio blitzing! The countdown is ON!

Publicado por a_teitzel hace 24 días

Yeah no worries guys, I probably left it a bit late anyway.
I'm snorkelling Friday and doing marine stuff, so we'll have to walk another time Alesha.

Not long now!! 12 hours!

Publicado por nicklambert hace 24 días


Publicado por nathanael_green hace 23 días

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