We are one week away! Are you ready?

Are you ready for Insects of Washington Challenge Fall 2024? To help prepare you and get others involved the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) will held two educational webinars, one for groups and one for individuals.

You can watch a recap of these webinars online at https://youtu.be/0pq79Eco3n8.

Orientation for Educators & Other Group Leaders September 18, 4 – 5 p.m.
We’re looking for educators, land managers, gardeners, and other group leaders to join us in engaging residents to participate in our Insects of Washington Challenge: Fall 2024.

Join WSDA during a webinar on September 18 from 4 – 5 p.m. to learn how you can help lead participation in this challenge. You will learn how to use the iNaturalist app to upload and explore observations. We will also discuss creative ideas for motivating and leading others to participate in this event.

Orientation for Individuals & Families September 18 from 6 – 7 p.m.
We’re looking for Washington residents to participate in the Insects of Washington Challenge: Fall 2024.
Join the Washington State Department of Agriculture during a virtual webinar on September 18 from 6 – 7 p.m. to learn how you can participate in this challenge. You will learn how to use the iNaturalist app to upload and explore observations in your backyard, local park, or other places in Washington during this Challenge.

Publicado el septiembre 12, 2024 11:20 TARDE por pestprogram pestprogram


It looks like the project parameters need adjustment, since non- insects (spiders and crustaceans) are showing up on the list of most observed species.

Publicado por ewrunn1ng hace 21 días

It has been updated. Those were originally left on there to encourage participation. Keep on looking @ewrunn1ng!

Publicado por pestprogram hace 19 días

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