Towards automating interactions?

Need a procudre that will

Input: taxon
Input: interaction (or all)
Apply Filter:
Get matches.

Step 1: filter for these, store with interaction type
for each of
• Visiting a flower of: (Interaction)
• Eating: (Interaction)
• Parasitizing: (Interaction)
• Carrying: (Interaction)
• Attached to: (Interaction)
• Associated with: (Interaction)
• Passive Partner to: (Interaction)

Step 2. Download all the links in the field.

Step 3: For the passive, also store the interaction type, but rename:
• Flower visited by
• Eaten by
• Parasitized by
• Carried by
• Supporting
• Associated with

Step 4: produced lists
• Interaction Type
• Observations for each

Step 5: Convert to page to display on iNaturalist.
• By interaction type
• Summarize in species view (species with numbers).

Publicado el junio 7, 2024 08:24 TARDE por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Try this:
• Getting the interactions for - say the Epilachnini - is easy with filter.

Unfortunately, getting the organisms it interacts with requires two more difficult steps.

• 1. Export (I am exporting both eating and parasitizing just in case):

• 2. then organize into a list of observations and create this filter (use &id= to list the observations, and ?view= species to summarize them).,9460818,9460818,9460819,9460818,9460819,9471773,10878121,10902138,10916416,10920664,11157816,20725547,22451546,23949095,24669106,35912204,37888551,37908122,38456684,40137895,40584155,103584285,119912264,161074851,183471867,198731295&place_id=113055

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace 2 meses

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