SoundCloud Issues - Maybe they should die

Yeah. I'm posting about SoundCloud again. Every now and again I have some issues with SoundCloud. I ONLY use it for iNaturalist. I don't use anything else except AudioCopy and SoundCloud.

I have had files go missing and had to upload them again in the past.

I just received a note that one of my uploads wasn't playing. So I investigated. SoundCloud says the file doesn't exist. I have gone to my account and less than 1/4 of my files are listed. Normally I would just go to my phone and upload again. But 1) that is a ridiculous waste of time if it keeps happening. 2) I changed phones and lost those copies.

I am more than a bit of a techno-peasant and have no idea what is happening, but I'm about to stop messing with recordings as this simply is not working for me. What backup are others using so you don't lose all your work?

I have found that I can still play the recording from my iNaturalist account ONE MORE TIME before it is in the netherworld. I am shushing everyone in the house and rerecording every one of my recordings on AudioCopy so that I do not lose them entirely (I'll be keeping this phone for a while).

I hear iNaturalist is going to do their own sound recording piece. It cannot happen soon enough.

Publicado el agosto 14, 2017 10:24 TARDE por alflinn329 alflinn329


I just uploaded my own file, not on Soundcloud to a sighting on iNat. I'm not sure it is working but when I went to chose the file, the Soundcloud files that usually pop up were not there. I selected the file from my desktop and uploaded it. I'll be curious to see if it works.

Publicado por bethd hace alrededor de 7 años

What do you use to record, Beth? If what you are doing works, I am in. I just hate wasting time and losing information.

Publicado por alflinn329 hace alrededor de 7 años

I use my cellphone. I have an android and use an app called Audio Recorder. I cannot upload to iNat from the phone, but I share the sound file (.wav) with my google drive and then save in a folder on my desktop where I keep my sightings organized. I just clicked on the "add sounds" in iNat when posting and selected the sound file just like I would a picture file. Easy peasy. This is the first one I've done this way. Click on the icon for the audio file and press play and you will here the sounds of an Eastern Hognose snake hissing.

Publicado por bethd hace alrededor de 7 años

Oh, that works well! Audio Recorder. Hmmm. I'll be Looking into it.


Publicado por alflinn329 hace alrededor de 7 años


Publicado por alexakhan hace 4 meses

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