Lycaenidae Brasilian South Bahia Cocoa Farm
(em construção)
(em construção)
(em construção)
Registros relizados no Banco da Vitória em Ilhéus (em construção).
A new project containing four areas has been created!
The areas are: -
Kingsdown, Sydenham & Bower, Bridge Estate & Dunwear and East Bridgwater Development.
Looking forward to all your observations. Please upload as many things as you can - even things you think might be "boring". These will provide a baseline idea of what organisms can be found - whether it is urban, rural or a park. And keep taking them as they change over the seasons and years. Then we ...
5th Annual Prairie Day, Saturday, September 28, 2024
at the Northeast Texas Prairie Classroom
124 West Oak
Yantis, TX 75497
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Family friendly, free outdoor event, celebrating nature and our grazing lands.
Come and meet Texas Parks & Wildlife, US Fish & Wildlife, Texas Master Naturalists, Tyler Audubon Society, Native Plant Society of Texas, Texas Grazing Lands Coalition, local landowners and others.
Guided Prairie Walks Eve...
Пришло время подвести итоги проекта общероссийского общественно-государственного движения детей и молодежи "Движение Первых" посвящённый сбору сведений о распространении птиц в России "Крылья России".
Примерно за полтора года сбора данных нам удалось собрать 20996 наблюдений 417 видов птиц из многих регионов России, от Камчатки до Калининграда и с Северной Земли до Приморья и Дагестана!
Над этим потрудилось 295 наблюдателей, надеемся что этот проект был хорошим поводом познаком...
As the sun sets, and most of the bees and butterflies and other pollinators find a safe space for the night, another crew heads out on their nightly nectar forays. In many parts of the world, bats are a part of this shift, and some flowers are entirely dependent upon them for providing critical pollination services. But there is another night team that scientists are learning more and more are also important for their work at night – the moths.
Moths may not be on our radar scree...
The Great Southern BioBlitz starts on 20th September, and runs until 23rd. One week to go!
We are hoping to run a moth night in a park next Friday (or other night of the GSB if the weather is poor that night), but are waiting to hear from Ballarat City Council regarding our permit application. If permission is granted, I will post the details here.
I will add other ideas to this post when I have details.
The Great Southern BioBlitz starts on 20th September, and runs until 23rd.
We are hoping to run a moth night in a park next Friday (or other night of the GSB if the weather is poor that night), but are waiting to hear from Ballarat City Council regarding our permit application. If permission is granted, I will post the details here and on our GSB Project:
Charles Darwin (1809–1882) foi um naturalista britânico cuja teoria da evolução por meio da seleção natural revolucionou a compreensão da biologia. Publicada em seu livro "A Origem das Espécies" em 1859, a teoria de Darwin propôs que todas as espécies de seres vivos evoluem ao longo do tempo a partir de ancestrais comuns, u...
Este fim de semana, no dia 14 de setembro, vamos estar no Parque Municipal do Cabeço de Montachique, em Fanhões, para falar sobre galhas. Teremos também uma pequena saída de campo, onde, além de aproveitarmos o parque, procuraremos e registaremos algumas galhas.
A participação nesta atividade é gratuita, mas sujeita a inscrição prévia!
Contamos convosco! :D
People need more time for their biodiversity notes,
It’s raining cats and dogs (not the ones Trump quotes),
Just big, transparent drops, falling with fury,
Not edible creatures, but rain’s wild flurry....
★主辦單位:荒野保護協會台北分會 二格組
★活動時間:2024.11.03 週日
Un identificateur ayant gentiment passé en revue mes observations du genre Cirsium, voici un bilan de leur fréquence d'apparition en France, avec un biais plutôt alpin, sur un échantillon de 167 individus pour les 8 espèces photographiées.
Si l'on prend pour base la dizaine d'occurrences, cela donne les coefficients de fréquence suivants :
x1 C. spinosissimum
x1 C. acaulon
x2 C. oleraceum
x3 C. palustre
x4 C. arvense
x5 C. vulgare
Soit pour les 6 espèces...
If you know much about me, you probably know two things:
Lately I've been thinking about this combination a lot. It leaves me vulnerable. The places where I'm happiest being are places that are probably not considered safe by most standards. I like to go off the beaten path and I like to do it on my own.
Last week, I went to the lake and hopped off the trail to explore a woodland area, a floodplain where, ...
Notes from: a Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater hosted citizen science event.
In what looked like a sea of green, the colours of the bush were everywhere as 4 members of the Flora survey team hit the tracks for an impromptu survey. After so much windy weather, we enjoyed a still day with blue skies and patches of sun under the towering eucalypts. We were on the look out for orchids, which we found, but not as many as expected. We recorded Large Tongue-orchid, Nodding Greenhood, Mayf...
Notes from: a Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater hosted citizen science event.
Undaunted by the forecast of winds and late morning showers up to 15mm, 11 of us gathered at 8am for our citizen science Bird & Frog survey in Yellingbo Nature Conservation Area. We were blessed with blue skies, dappled sun under the towering trees, a still day and no rain! The 9.8 deg C start felt much warmer! There was plenty of evidence of the strong winds over the past week, with trees and branches...
I've been following a pair of Microspingus cinereus since December 2019. During this time, I have monitored four litters so far. The natural habitat of this group is in the Dom Bosco Natural Monument, an urban park known as Ermida Dom Bosco here in Brasília - DF. Unfortunately, this park is occupied by a large population of domestic cats.
Currently, the group consists of three individuals, one adult male and two individuals from the October 2023 litter. See the history o...
Are you ready for Insects of Washington Challenge Fall 2024? To help prepare you and get others involved the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) will hold two educational webinars, one for groups and one for individuals.
Orientation for Educators & Other Group Leaders September 18, 4 – 5 p.m.
We’re looking for educators, land managers, gardeners, and other group leaders to join us in engaging residents to participate in our Insects of Washington Challenge:...
Happy September, Pollinator Pals!
This summer has been a scorcher, and August was no exception! While the occasional rolling storm brought momentary relief, the heat of summer was relentless. However, this did not stop our amazing community of pollinator enthusiasts from getting out and logging observations across the state!
This August, community scientists logged an incredible 1,923 pollinator observations across the state! Our top species include the
Pour identifier, en français, la flore de France continentale (Corse exclue) et des régions limitrophes (Suisse, Belgique, Catalogne, etc.), sans clé dichotomique, à tous les stades phénologiques (avec ou sans feuilles / fleurs / fruits), avec des critères morphologiques et/ou phénologiques, écologiques, géographiques, le logiciel Flore-Num de notre collègue Jean-Claude Melet est vraiment révolutionnaire !
Il est très utile pour les experts qui veulent aborder l'identification avec u...
Usually Yellow Flag Iris is easily identified by its bright and beautiful yellow flowers. However, when these flowers are not yet present there are other ID features you can use to help determine if you have encountered an invasive Yellow Flag Iris.
Seed pods
This Invasive plant has large green seed pods that contain up to 120 seeds per pod. When the pods mature, they turn brown and release glossy, D shaped seeds that float on water and spread to new locations.
Welcome, fellow fungiphile! Here you will find helpful links and resources to help you get started.
How to Collect Fungi Like a Pro:
Fungi Photography Guide:
Voucher Slips:
We are so excited to see what we can all find together at our 12th annual BioBlitz! Check back to this project page for updates. Not a Macaulay student? Not a problem. Any observations you make in VCP between 3p on Saturday and 4p on Sunday will get collected by this project.
We'll have a public info table near the VCP Nature Center, Sunday 10am-12pm. A Macaulay student volunteer will be there to help get you started!
To learn more about how the BioBlitz is tied into ou...
Come join us, Saturday October 26th!
The 2023 Forest Health Conditions in Alaska Report is now available online! Each year the USFS Alaska Region Forest Health Protection program publishes a report of insects, diseases, and invasive plants impacting our forests based on surveys both they and other partner agencies have conducted in Alaska. Follow the link below to access Forest Health Conditions in Alaska (full reports, highlights sections, and damage maps) as well as interactive survey maps and StoryMaps (ArcGIS Online).
Hey folks! I'm starting to get keen for the Blitz next week.
I'm hoping we can get even more people involved this year, so please let any interested friends, family or colleagues know that it's on!!
Would anyone be interested if I organised a group walk somewhere for a couple of hours? It would be BioBlitz style, so we probably wouldn't get very far and would document as much as possible. If there's some people interested I would probably organise it for the Sunday someti...