18,000 RG records

I have been iNatting at a feverish pace, adding contemporaneous records while also adding some of my 16-year backlog of digital images. I am concentrating on finishing uploading all my Panhandle records (which I should finish by early September), then I will concentrate on the peninsula away from the Tampa Bay area, from which the bulk of my observations originate.

On the negative side, my "Needs ID" list has jumped to nearly 3,000 records (2,925 at the moment) because I am adding so many records. I prefer that my "Needs ID" list be under 1,000 records.


Publicado el julio 29, 2024 02:31 TARDE por billpranty billpranty



👉 Here is that link.

I’m sure you’ll hit 20,000 RG before you know it.

Publicado por kitemongoose hace 3 meses

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