Two Red tailed hawks

10.4.20. 10:15 am. 76 degrees. Red tailed hawk in the sentinel oak overlooking oak canyon. Feral cat walking down coyote scat trail. Fox squirrel sounding the alarm. Squirrel alerted everyone earlier when a quail flew over the fence.

11:00 am. 81 degrees. 2 red tailed hawks circling the field. Settle over in the twin oaks by Bruce Lee trail up from the pond.

11:20 am. Red tailed hawk flying over the field again.

2:55 pm. 2 turkey vultures circling the field.

4:32 pm. 94 degrees. Red tailed hawk flying over the field again. 4:54.

Publicado el octubre 5, 2020 03:25 MAÑANA por bruin_mike bruin_mike