Shasta Reservoir Notes (Lake Shasta, Shasta Dam)

Shasta Reservoir Water Levels and Storage

10/01/2018     979.14    2,399,264          Beginning of Water Year
06/01/2019   1,064.42    4,475,648          General snow melt/irrigation balance date

10/01/2019   1,025.49    3,420,766          Beginning of Water Year
06/01/2020   1,029.53    3,521,627          General snow melt/irrigation balance date

10/01/2020     968.46    2,197,814          Beginning of Water Year
06/01/2021     955.63    1,971,357          General snow melt/irrigation balance date

10/01/2021     891.58    1,069,512          Beginning of Water Year
10/21/2021     882.24      967,370          Before the major storms
06/01/2022     946.24    1,815,774          General snow melt/irrigation balance date

10/01/2022     926.30    1,512,814          Beginning of Water Year
11/16/2022     917.82    1,395,027          Lowest level I could find between beginning of WY and onset of first significant rains
12/26/2022     921.23    1,441,684          Before the major storms (see Ft Ord Precipitation for details)
03/10/2023   1,000.88    2,847,720          After several major storms
05/03/2023   1,063.69    4,454,176          Late season Omega Block traps low pressure off Northern & Central California
06/01/2023   1,063.78    4,456,816
07/01/2023   1,057.08    4,262,534
08/01/2023   1,043.14    3,876,150
09/01/2023   1,029.80    3,528,435
10/01/2023   1,021.57    3,324,835
11/01/2023   1,013.85    3,140,865
12/01/2023   1,010.86    3,071,507

*Data Source:
Compare to 05/2019 4,476,827 acre feet of stored water
3/11/2023 = 63.7% of the May 2019 level (which was the max I could find since 2015)

Publicado el marzo 11, 2023 05:36 TARDE por hkibak hkibak


Three days of precipitation during the first week of May 2023 brings the reservoir to June 2019 levels. The highest in four years.

Publicado por hkibak hace más de 1 año

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