May 12, 2022 - My 18th Birthday

Man, today is awesome - It's my birthday, and I'm now finally 18, a legal adult and part of society! I also now have tons of new responsibilities and permissions!

However, I'm a bit worried - I'm now old enough to be drafted for war, and I've been hearing that the U.S. might be helping Ukraine with the battle against Russia - I could potentially be drafted into that, and I'm really worried. I'm a very sweet and caring guy, and I don't like being violent or abusive - I could never shoot a gun at someone!! The only thing I am willing to kill is parasites, like ticks, fleas, lice, and leeches. I just don't have a bad bone in my body that would allow me to perform such a task as hurting and injuring another person. The other thing is I can now be kicked out of the house, which I'm not worried about.

Yesterday, I went on a walk and found a vernal pool with several frog or salamander egg masses, after school I will go and take some pictures of them. There was also some frogs hanging out by the pool, but they jumped in so quickly as I approached I didn't get to see them. So today after school is going to be great. I'm also going to be looking for more new species to photograph, including some black racers that are rumored to be hanging around the woodpile near my school.

I'm so happy today, and I hope everyone else is as well!

Publicado el mayo 12, 2022 02:02 TARDE por matthew883 matthew883


Happy birthday!

Publicado por colorado_crustaceans hace más de 2 años

Thanks, Liam! :D

Publicado por matthew883 hace más de 2 años

Happy birthday! :)

Publicado por wildmoss hace más de 2 años

Thanks, Sarah! :D

Publicado por matthew883 hace más de 2 años

Happy birthday! I'm sure you won't get drafted.

Publicado por pinefrog hace más de 2 años

I hope you've had a good one! Also, ooh a vernal pool - I've been looking for one too, no luck yet though. I hope you get to find the racers and more species!!

Publicado por pinefrog hace más de 2 años

thanks, Mila! :)

Publicado por matthew883 hace más de 2 años

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