Population veriation of Hylarana malabarica ( Fungoid frog ) from northern western ghats of India by Anand Padhye , Anushree Jadhav , Manawa Diwekar & Neelesh Dahanukar

Population Variation in Hylara malabarica ( Fungoid frog ) from Northern Western ghats of India ..
Batrachologist have Found 6 Different Population of fungoid frog from northern western ghats of India .. Well , Widely distributed species often show inter population-variation. ( Variations in morphological characters and genetic analysis ) . Also it known as Species complex. Both morphological and genetic analysis revealed that the six populations in the current study lie in at least four different clusters: 1) Tamhini, 2) Dhamapur, 3) Kolvan and Ghatghar, and 4) Amboli and Velneshwar.
Further, morphological as well as genetic similarity and differences among the six isolated populations were not dependent on their geographical distances (Table 1). Kolvan and Ghatghar populations shared more similarity though they are separated by 80km. Where as Kolvan and Tamhini do not show any similarity yet are 20km apart. Similarly, Amboli population shared more similarity with Velneshwar population than with Dhamapur population, even though Amboli and Dhamapur are just 44km apart while Amboli and Velneshwar are 182km apart. Further, Amboli and Velneshwar have a large difference in altitude , as Velneshwar is on the coastline while Amboli is on the crest line of the Western Ghats (which form a geographical barrier between these two populations). There is also a difference of 20 in the latitudinal distribution of these two populations . Such kind of pattern suggests possibility of more than one species that are together considered as Hylarana malabarica.
The paper was published byDepartment of zoology Garaware college Pune ,
Population variations in the Fungoid Frog Hylarana malabarica (Anura: Ranidae) from northern Western Ghats of India
Anand Padhye , Anushree Jadhav , Manawa Diwekar & Neelesh Dahanukar

Publicado el julio 29, 2012 05:02 TARDE por ninad ninad


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