New Sphingid Species Added to SF County Thanks to iNaturalist

On July 30th, 2014, Tony Iwane and Taj Allen (of TREE FROG TREKS) were leading a photography-based summer camp group through Glen Canyon Park. One of the members of their group pointed out a large caterpillar up in the Arroyo Willow ( Salix lasiolepis ). Tony is part of the iNaturalist community and he posted it the larva shot later that day.
We only have two Sphnix or "Hawkmoths" on the historic inventory for our small county: Manduca sexta ( Ames '73) and the widespread generalist that most folks see Hyles lineata - The White-lined Sphinx Moth ( Elennon '66). To me, it looked more like a lost Manduca or Tomato Worm ( which feed on Nightshade ) up in a tree. Kinda made no sense. I asked Tony if he could go back and collect it and pupate it out to the adult phase. He did.
On August 21, a One-eyed Sphinx Moth ( Smerinthis cerisyi) emerged and this spectacular native was added a new piece of the biodiversity-rich Natural Areas of San Francisco. The larvae are primarily associated with Salicaceae but have been found on Rosaceae and Betulaceae. Another cool facto: the adults do not feed.
A shot-out to the power of iNaturalist. We still have so much to discover here.
Thanks Tony and Taj.
Ultimately, this was reported to the Year End Summary of the Lepidopterist's Society.
From Tony later:
"Awesome, thanks for all the help, Liam! Just want to say that we'd never have found it without our young camper Lucy Ghidossi, and that it was Taj who was sharp-eyed enough to find it again when we went to collect it. We've actually been in contact with Lucy and her mom and said we'd add her name on any sort of official record (along with ours, if that's cool) since she originally found it. Her mom has given permission for that."

Tony Iwane
Tree Frog Treks
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Publicado el agosto 25, 2014 08:29 TARDE por robberfly robberfly


Thanks again, Liam! Here's Taj's photo of the the young naturalist with her find:

Publicado por tiwane hace alrededor de 10 años

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