
These little milestones make me grin so much! Today I made my 300th observation when this gorgeous black crowned night heron caught my eye.

It always surprises me how people just rush past in pursuit of Other Thinks and miss all this wonderful wildlife...to be fair, before I spent so much time deliberately looking for wildlife, I was also rushing to other adventures. But these moments of stopping and staring and taking in all the Wonderful...they're really wonderful.

So here's a video of this black crowned night heron, perched less than 15 feet from the trail, staring at me while I returned the stare, nearly in tears at the awe of such a beautiful bird: https://photos.app.goo.gl/DfzjmfVorjkg4bbG9

We had a wonderful few minutes of observing each other before I wandered off to look for more wildlife before nightfall..not realizing that this was my 300th observation. Three hundred!

Many thanks to all the identifiers who are helping me learn so much more about the wonderful world I observe and all my thanks to @greatspaceflamingo for introducing me to this grand adventure and sharing so much of it with me! Meluvversyaeversomuches Bug!

Hopefully, someday when I've made 3,000 observations I'll look back on this post and have a little chuckle...but hope is not a strategy, so off to the great outdoors I go!

Publicado el febrero 26, 2022 03:04 MAÑANA por sarahcoty sarahcoty


Fotos / Sonidos


Huairavo (Nycticorax nycticorax)




Febrero 25, 2022 a las 05:38 TARDE PST


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