Moth species list

To see mine:,47654

Publicado el octubre 29, 2020 07:35 TARDE por sherylsr sherylsr


What did you do to exclude butterflies? I have been wanting to do this.

Publicado por centratex hace casi 4 años

I didn’t do anything. LOL! Sam K. sent me that link.

I found this post that discusses the issue:

From skimming that post, I think Sam must have copied/pasted in my user name in that URL. Try that and see if that works for you. Let me know!!

Publicado por sherylsr hace casi 4 años

This is good. I see that the query just excludes certain subfamilies or families of choice. I haven't messed around much with these capabilities.

Publicado por centratex hace casi 4 años

have you tried it yet?

Publicado por sherylsr hace casi 4 años

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