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Message to Project Contributors

@amyneumann @entomo-logic @cwessel @jriebe0623 @michael245 @mulegrl14 @julianahimmel @austin67 You are mentioned because we are in need of 50 more birds to succeed in the project. Please comment on the post to indicate you have received this message. As a bonus, If you would consider looking for one of the birds listed at the end of the post, you will be awarded with recognition ...más ↓

Publicado el noviembre 22, 2017 12:57 MAÑANA por danomaha danomaha | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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The 150 Birds for 150 Years project will commemorate the 150th anniversary of Nebraska by attempting to document 150 or more bird species. These birds must have been observed between March 1st and December 31st of 2017. All birds observed must be wild. All observations must have photos, and the photos must be of the bird, not of its habitat. Anyone can Join.

danomaha creó este proyecto el 02 de marzo de 2017
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