

A Galling Puzzle

This group of Casuarina glauca gall types has me puzzled. I can't find any information about them. They are undescribed species perhaps. There appears to be some sort of relationship between them, which I will explain below.

First off we have the galls that are easily mistaken for Cylindrococcus which I wrote about here: The experts on Inat think they are probably a wasp or maybe a fly.

I'll refer to this first type as cone galls:

They can occur with or without what I'll call fluffy ball galls:

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Publicado el enero 19, 2023 07:45 MAÑANA por vavilovian_mimic vavilovian_mimic | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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This project is for collecting observations of galls hosted by Casuarina glauca.
Casuarina glauca, also known as Swamp Oak, is a tree native to the east coast of Australia. Although the trees are very common through much of their range, little seems to be known about their galls.

vavilovian_mimic creó este proyecto el 01 de enero de 2023
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