iNaturalist based Guide to common moths of Hong Kong

getting the ball rolling on a guide to the commonest moths found in Hong Kong.
Work in progress.

Will add more descriptions, phenology, similar species info and more as and when time allows., but my main "voluntary" focus remains getting the HK moth book finished.

Publicado el noviembre 23, 2015 03:55 TARDE por hkmoths hkmoths


Excellent guide! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace casi 9 años

a few species now updated in more detail, with distribution, phenology, ecology, pictures, similar species and key id points (all categories included where data is available) are as follows:
Syntomoides imaon, Hypomecis transcissa, Peismopoda (=Guastica) senilutea, Pelagodes antiquadraria

Publicado por hkmoths hace más de 8 años

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