Mass Moths website now 1 year old!

3rd March 2022 is the first anniversary of the launch of the Mass Moths website (! Thank you to everyone who have supported and helped the project with data and photographs over the past year. The site continues to be regularly updated and many more photographs should come online over the following months. Over the last year, 52,000 records have been added to the database and 37 new species have been added to the Massachusetts List.
All comments and suggestions for improvement to the website are welcome.

Publicado el marzo 3, 2022 08:30 MAÑANA por swhitebread swhitebread


Congratulations to Mass Moths and especially to its founders! As the season approaches I want to order a backup night collecting light to the one I bought a few years ago from BioQuip. Now that they have closed their business, I am looking for a replacement. The lamp that came with the BioQuip set-up is a 15W tube with a pin base, but I think any kind of DC UV lamp will do--I used a screw-in DC UV lamp that was great until it burned out. I don't want to use mercury vapor, and in my experience, an LED UV lamp performs poorly. I've been combing the internet but so far no luck. If anyone has any information or suggestions you can message me through iNaturalist.

Steven, I hope you don't mind my posting the question here, I thought it would be the best way to find someone who might be of some help. Thank you.

Publicado por lgraetz hace más de 2 años

Yes, that has become a problem. I don't know anywhere in North America where you can buy lights specifially for mothing (except in Europe, e.g. I think your only option is to make something up yourself using commercially available lights, such as these: However, due to the current untenable situation, I expect someone will see the need and start up their own business selling moth lights and traps and other entomological equipment.

Publicado por swhitebread hace más de 2 años

In all my searches that 1,000 bulbs website never came up! Looks like they sell what anyone would need to make their own set-up like the one I bought from BioQuip (ballast and lamp), and I can at least find the right UV flourescent lamp as a backup for the one I have.
Thank you!

Publicado por lgraetz hace más de 2 años

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