Week 4

Good evening all,
This week marks the last stretch of our spring 2018 virtual BioBlitz! So far, we’ve made over 3000 observations of 907 different species!
We have one challenge to finish things off:
April 23 – 30th Pollinator Challenge: Make an observation each of the following pollinators!
1 Pollinating bee/wasp
1 Pollinating butterfly/moth
1 Pollinating beetle
1 Pollinating fly
1 Flower plant
The first three submissions will win a jar of Cheatwood honey (local to Oklahoma!) in addition to being able to pick from the remaining prize pool. I’m flexible on what qualifies as a pollinator, for example if a family of beetles or flies are known to be pollinators I will probably count them! Please send me a message with the URLs of the observations you have made before the deadline of April 30th to be considered.
On the topic of prizes, we have had a large number of submissions for challenges, which is always great! This does mean, however that the prize pool is going fast! If you have made a submission for a challenge, please hang tight while we work our way down the list in order of submission.
There will be a grand prize (TBD) for our top observer and identifier as well! Stay tuned for more information on that shortly.

Have a good week,
Ethan Kelley

Publicado el abril 24, 2018 02:40 MAÑANA por ethankelley ethankelley


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