Participation Sticker

Good afternoon,

This is an update for everyone who made an observation within the first week of the BioBlitz! I am in the process of collecting addresses to which I can send the stickers. Some of you may have already received a message from me, and even replied, regarding this. However, with 45+ people to message it seems I have tripped the iNaturalist anti-bot spam detectors! That said, I would appreciate very much if the following people would please send me a private message containing an a good address where I can send their sticker. To message me click on my name and there should be a button on the top left of my profile.


If you don't see your name here, that probably means I already messaged you (or have your address from a previous challenge) or I recognize your username because we work in the same building (so I know where to find you!)

Ethan Kelley

Publicado el abril 25, 2018 12:08 MAÑANA por ethankelley ethankelley


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