
Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Amphibia Anura Dicroglossidae Limnonectes Limnonectes magnus

Taxonomic notes: The use of the name Limnonectes magnus as applied to both Philippine and Sulawesi taxa is a taxonomic arrangement in need of revision. The Sulawesi populations referred to this species have already been shown to be distinct species based on molecular analysis, but have not yet been named.


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Geographic Range

This species complex is found on Mindanao, Basilan, Bohol, Camiguin, Samar and Leyte Islands in the Philippines, from 1,200-1,800m asl, as well as on Sulawesi, Indonesia.


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It is common to very common where its habitat remains intact, although some populations are in decline because of over-exploitation.


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It inhabits undisturbed and disturbed streams and rivers in lower montane and lowland forests. It breeds and deposits egg clutches in quiet side pools of forested riverine habitats.


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Use Trade

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On Sulawesi, the major threat to the populations of this species is human exploitation for both local consumption and international trade. In the Philippines, threats include habitat loss due to agriculture and logging, and pollution of streams and rivers from agricultural pesticides, herbicides, and mine-tailings, as well as harvesting for human subsistence and for international export.


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Specific Threats

  • 2.1.4 Scale Unknown/Unrecorded
  • 9.3.2 Soil erosion, sedimentation
  • 5.3.5 Motivation Unknown/Unrecorded
  • 9.2.2 Seepage from mining
  • 9.3.3 Herbicides and pesticides
  • 5.1.1 Intentional use (species is the target)


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Conservation Actions

The range of this species includes a few protected areas. It apparently coexists parapatrically with its sibling species in Lore Lindu National Park, and it extends to Poso and Tanah Toraja. Conservation measures for this species must include the protection of remaining rainforest, especially riverine habitats and gallery forests. Levels of human exploitation need to be investigated to determine if this needs to be managed more sustainably.


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Specific Actions

  • 3.1.1 Harvest management
  • 2.3 Habitat & natural process restoration
  • 1.2 Resource & habitat protection
  • 1.1 Site/area protection
  • 2.1 Site/area management


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Red List Rationale

Listed as Near Threatened because this species is probably in significant decline (but probably at a rate of less than 30% over ten years) because of widespread habitat loss through much of its range, and over-harvesting for food, thus making the species close to qualifying for Vulnerable.


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  • Alcala, A.C. and Brown, W.C. 1985. Philippine Amphibians: An Illustrated Field Guide. Bookmark Press, Makati City, Philippines.
  • Dubois, A. 1992. Notes sur la clasification des Ranidae (Amphibiens Anoures). Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon: 305-352.
  • Emerson, S.E., Inger, R.F. and Iskandar, D. 2000. Molecular systematics and biogeography of the fanged frogs of southeast Asia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution: 131-142.
  • Frost, D.R. 1985. Amphibian Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Allen Press and the Association of Systematic Collections, Lawrence, Kansas.
  • Inger, R.F. 1966. The systematics and zoogeography of the Amphibia of Borneo. Fieldiana: Zoology: 1-402.
  • Inger, R.F. 1999. Distributions of amphibians in southern Asia and adjacent islands. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp. 445-482. John Hopkins University Press.


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