Under Researched Animals: Part One Of A Weekly Series | Week one

The easiest way to help the scientific community isn't often the easiest and what first comes to mind is probably going out into the remote jungles of far-away countries, but know you can exponentially help the scientific community and even give brand new un-researched data through the tracks and signs of animals!

Before we begin mentioning species to look out for here is a short explanation of how exactly to go about conducting your research:

Firstly, capturing and measuring the feet of all animals you capture is amazingly helpful. Next, capturing the animals measuring their feet and releasing them on track plates or wet sand (any other substrate that holds tracks is also expectable) then photographing, measuring, and sketching the tracks left behind is the most beneficial way.

Depending on where you live different animals may be present, but most turtle, lizard, and frog species have little to no data researched on their tracks. Next, all invasive species to your area help especially the ones thought to be exterminated. (such as Nutria in the USA)

Next week I'll cover animals to especially look out for that are currently being closely monitored population wise in the USA and are extremely important to researchers. Remember, to add all of your observations to the Tracks & Signs: New Data Collection project and follow me and or join the project so you don't miss the next ones and show support to our team to give us the motivation to keep going!

Publicado el marzo 6, 2024 03:15 TARDE por cs16-levi cs16-levi


I'll be there!

Publicado por that_bug_guy hace 7 meses

Awesome! Happy to see interest in animal tracks in signs.

Publicado por cs16-levi hace 7 meses

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