Archivos de diario de mayo 2024

05 de mayo de 2024

Lake Creek Dam Sunset Frog Walk

A "sunset frog walk" co-sponsored by CAMN and GWMN at Lake Creek Dam was held 4May 2024. Nine species of herp were observed in the creek and nearby dry block limestone wall.

Amphibians included:

Rio Grande Leopard Frog CI = 1
*Rio Grande Chirping Frog CI = 1
Gulf Coast Toad CI = 1
Green Tree Frog CI = 3 No recording obtained.
Blanchard’s Cricket Frog CI = 3

Reptiles included:
Plain-bellied Watersnake
Diamondback Watersnake
Pond Slider

  • Mediterranean House Gecko

According to the nearby USGS gauge (, there had been 1.92 inches of rain in the last six days.
The monitoring period was 20:00 - 21:45.
Participants included Kathy, Carolyn, Amy, and 27 TMN members and their guests
Environmental conditions at the dam at sunset:
Air temperature = 74.2 deg F
Water temperature = 72.4 deg F
Sky = mostly cloudy
Water level = above average
Humidity at sunset = 78%

  • I do not have possession of the recording and/or photo of these observations.
Publicado el mayo 5, 2024 10:55 TARDE por alflinn329 alflinn329 | 8 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de mayo de 2024

Good Water Junior Naturalist Field Trip 2024 Berry Springs Park and Preserve

Amphibians included:

Rio Grande Leopard Frog CI = 1 (Not recorded)
Gulf Coast Toad CI = 1
Green Tree Frog CI = 3
Blanchard’s Cricket Frog CI = 3
Western Narrow-mouthed Toad CI=3

According to the nearby USGS gauge (, there had been 1.18 inches of rain in the last six days.
The monitoring period was 19:00 - 11:30.
Participants included Amy, Mary Ann, Flo, 5 newly certified Junior Naturalists, 5 parents and one sibling.
Environmental conditions at the dam at sunset:
Air temperature = 78 deg F
Water temperature = not recorded
Sky = partly cloudy
Water level = above average
Humidity at sunset = Not recorded

Other observations are noted except a Nutria noted in the creek.

Publicado el mayo 21, 2024 12:18 MAÑANA por alflinn329 alflinn329 | 16 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario