Archivos de diario de marzo 2024

18 de marzo de 2024

2024 Odonata Season

The 2024 season for dragonflies and damselflies seems to be starting later and slower than 2023. Locally, we have three damselflies in the Ischnura genus:

In 2023 I started seeing all three in significant numbers in February. This year, it wasn't until mid-March that I started seeing more than just a few individuals. I should note however that the I. hastata really seems to prefer warmer weather and only showed up last year and this year as a few individuals here and there early on. Significant numbers didn't show up until mid to late April.

In 2023, I also was seeing Arigomphus pallidus (Gray-green Clubtail) by this point in March (late midpoint) but so far, this year I haven't seen any yet. That's not to say they aren't there--I just haven't spotted them yet.

In 2023, the Common Baskettails, Epitheca cynosura, hung out in a small sunny clearing in our woods almost exclusively. This year (2024) the population seems to have exploded and while there are a few individuals in the same small clearing, I've found most of them in an agricultural field adjacent to the swamp. But they are basically everywhere that is sunny at this moment (18th of March, 2024) in pretty large numbers. It is strange to me how they have "changed locations". The agricultural field where they are now is where I was typically finding the Gray-green Clubtails last year so maybe the clubtails are here but someplace unexpected.

One thing that is puzzling me (well really, a lot of things puzzle me, but...) is location. When I read about the Common Baskettail, the literature says to look at ponds and lakes with open or wooded margins. Well. In the two years that I've been observing them on our property, they are always in drier, sunny areas such as clearings in our woods and agricultural fields where there is no water. In fact, I've only seen them near any water twice (two individuals, which I believe were females ovipositing).

The same confusion exists for me with Furtive Forktails, Ischnura prognata. Everything I've read says to look for them in shady areas along woodland creeks/streams, etc. Again, since I've been observing them, I've never found them in a shady area. Yes, they are in the woods, but I can only find them in those areas that have knee-high vegetation and where the sun has broken through the canopy so there is a small area of sunshine. They may or may not be anywhere near water. In many cases, they are a good meter and often more away from the streams running through the swamp here. Shade? No. Dappled sunlight/sunny areas in the woods? Yes.

Note: Since the vegetation the Furtive Forktails prefer also likes the sunshine, it may be more a case of the plants growing in the sun and subsequently drawing the Furtive Forktails into sunny areas as a consequence. However, I will say that I often see them perched on a stem or thin branch (again at knee-height) and apparently basking in the sun. If that area grows shady, they will follow the sun to a new location and perch/bask there. So... They seem to me to like the sun. Or I don't understand what I am seeing.

I find it confusing, and perhaps indicative of my lack of understanding regarding the location and behavior information contained within the books I have. The truth is, I feel kind of stupid but all I can do is document what I'm seeing and hope I'll develop a better understanding of our natural world.

Publicado el marzo 18, 2024 03:32 TARDE por amypadgett amypadgett | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario