Archivos de diario de julio 2019

26 de julio de 2019

iNaturalist Happy Hour in DC at Wunder Garten on Tuesday, August 6!

It's been a while since we've had a gathering of iNaturalist users in the DC area, and there are a lot more of us now!

Tuesday, August 6
4:30-6:30 pm
Wunder Garten
1101 First St NE
Washington, DC 20002

More details at Meetup:

I aim to make this a regular thing, so suggestions welcome for the next location.

Tagging the top 30 observers in DC, even though I know some of you aren't around anymore. Please tag your friends who are!
 @treegrow @elliotgreiner @jmgconsult @sharonforsyth @achang @muir  @woodcut55  @belyykit  @tkirk304  @stella20009  @mstrecker  @rhondaridley @lynnparsons  @krosenthal @reallifeecology @gwh  @rumeltr @dossification @jmandela @mjmwx  @alex_bairstow  @caedocyon @timbir5 @anacostiabiota @cldc @calopteryx @jorbogmont  @hbfeducation @briangratwicke

Publicado el julio 26, 2019 08:56 TARDE por carrieseltzer carrieseltzer | 10 comentarios | Deja un comentario