Archivos de diario de mayo 2022

07 de mayo de 2022

City Nature Challenge - Boston - 2022

DATE: 20220428 to 20220503 TIME STARTED: 7:00:00 AM TIME Stopped: 07:00:00 PM

SUMMARY: Four days were spent observing, taking pictures, and posting on as part of the 'City Nature Challenge, Boston. The entire weekend had perfect weather until Monday evening, when showers arrived. Friday was windy, as well. Places I went included Ridge Hill Reservation in Needham, Cutler Park Reservation in Needham, Hennessey Field and Endean Park in Norwood, Moose Hill Sanctuary in Sharon, and Blue Hills Reservation in Milton-Canton. I managed to log over 300 observations of plants, animals, and fungi, and over 160 species.

WEATHER COMMENT: Friday - clear, breezy, morning temperatures in the low 40s, high temperatures in the mid 50s. Saturday, cloudy and clear, 40s to low 60s. Sunday, similar to Saturday. Monday, thin cloudy cover to heavy overcast, temperatures in the 50s, showers by evening.


Pictures Taken For:
PICTURE POST: 1 iNaturalist: 1 OTHER:

Friday -
7:00-9:00 am - Ridge Hill Reservation, Needham, MA: Parked in a lot along the access road within the reservation. Walked generally south in the field and through woods, then across Charles River Road and walked to the Charles River and back.
10:30 am - 1:30 pm - Cutler Park Reservation, Needham, MA: Parked in lot off Kendrick Street, next to reservation. Walked generally south to Powell's Island and back, passing by Kendrick Pond, the Charles River, several bike paths, and MA-Route 128/I-95.
6:00 - 7:30 pm - Hennessey Field, Norwood MA: Walked through park from Cross Street to Lennox Ave. and back.

Saturday -
7:45 - 9:00 am - Hennessey Field, Norwood, MA: Walked through park again to catch morning birds.
10:00 am - 2:00 pm - Moose Hill Sanctuary, Sharon, MA: Parked at Nature Center. Walked around the nature center, then went on a loop that included the Billings Loop, Summit Path, and old Carriage Road, and boardwalk.
3:30 - 5:00 pm - Blue Hills Reservation, Milton/Canton, MA: Parked in lot north of Trailside Museum. Walked up Summit Road to S-Curves, then on red dot trail to the Elliot Tower, then the Circuit Trail to Blue Hill Observatory, then on road to the ski slopes, down ski slopes to bottom, then back to the north lot.

Sunday -
7:45 - 9:00 am - Hennessey Field, Norwood, MA: Walked through park again to catch morning birds.
2:00 - 4:00 pm - Endean Park, Norwood, MA: Parked in lot opposite Short Street. Walked in a loop through Hawes Pools, along Hawes Brook, through Endean Meadows, and back.

Monday -
8:00 am - 7:000 pm - Hennessey Field, Norwood, MA: Several short trips in hopes to find birds and plants I did not pick up before (largely unsuccessful).

TERRAIN: Terrain is generally flat in all areas except Blue Hills Reservation.

PHENOLOGY: Some trees/plants have not broken buds, yet, but most have. None that I saw were in full leaf-out.

CONVERSATIONS: One conversation with a man in Cutler Park - he saw that I was taking pictures and asked if I knew about the beaver on Kendrick Pond. No.... I said. So, he told me and I was able to take pictures showing the lodge and the gnawwed tree stumps.


Publicado el mayo 7, 2022 01:12 MAÑANA por ceaustin ceaustin | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
