
More rain, today. We are 3.5 inches above normal for the month of June and 6.3 inches above normal for the year. This is the third year in a row of rainfall well above normal. What affects will that have on this environment? Significant erosion is one obvious affect. Will more erosion change the habitat making it difficult for some species to live and/or creating opportunities for new species to move into the affected areas? These are things we will watch in the future.

I have posted several observations to this site. I very much appreciate the verification of my observations from more knowledgeable experts. I have benefited from the site's expertise in identifying species. For example, what I thought was a Woodthrush that I see frequently in and around our yard is actually a Brown Thrasher. That is one of the main reasons I am here - to learn.

Publicado el junio 22, 2019 04:59 TARDE por crannmornature crannmornature


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