Yams (Dioscorea) of Northeastern North America

Wild Yam, Dioscorea villosa Chinese Yam, Dioscorea polystachya

Key to the Dioscorea Species of Northeastern North America

1a. Vine from rhizomes; leaf axils without aerial tubers; mature petioles nearly circular in cross section; leaves ovate-cordate, the sides evenly convex, basal lobes absent; fruits winged..... Dioscorea villosa

1b. Vine from woody tuber; leaf axils often with aerial tubers; mature petioles strongly channeled; leaves hastate, sides with some concavity, basal lobes usually present; fruits unknown in North America..... Dioscorea polystachya

Dioscorea polystachya Turcz. – Chinese Yam, Cinnamon Vine
Introduced; NYS Prohibited; present in NYC. Description. iNaturalist observations from New York City. GloBI interactions.
Indiana non-native plant invasiveness ranking form. Pest Risk Management Document for Dioscorea polystachya (Chinese yam) in Canada

Dioscorea villosa L. – Wild Yam
Indigenous; (CoC 6); present in NYC. Description. iNaturalist observations from New York City. GloBI interactions.

Publicado el noviembre 16, 2020 06:11 TARDE por danielatha danielatha


So it seems that the native species has not yet been recorded from Manhattan?

Publicado por susanhewitt hace casi 4 años

That's right. There are only observations and specimens from the Bronx and Staten Island. It's more common off the Coastal Plain. It is cultivated at Battery Park: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/53973372

Publicado por danielatha hace casi 4 años

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