5-Mile Radius Birding Patch List

A 5-Mile Radius Patch is simply a birding patch with a 5-Mile Radius centered on your home.

Here is mine centered on my home very close to Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Maine. I have a number of great birding hotspots in my radius, including the aforementioned Evergreen Cemetery, but also Capisic Pond, Gilsland Farm Audubon Center, River Point Conservation Area, and Mackworth Island.

Here is my list compiled from my eBird entries:

  1. Razorbill. Bug Light, South Portland. 16 Jan 2019
  2. Lesser Black-back Gull. Presumpscot River, Westbrook. 12 Jan 2019
  3. Dickcissel. Finch St, Westbrook. 20 Dec 2018
  4. Evening Grosbeak. Falmouth High School, Falmouth. 1 Dec 2018
  5. Great Black Hawk. Deering Oaks Park, Portland. 29 Nov 2018
  6. Barrow's Goldeneye. Presumpscot River, Westbrook. 18 Nov 2018
  7. Nelson's Sparrow. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 13 Oct 2018
  8. Black-bellied Plover. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 26 Aug 2018
  9. Tennessee Warbler. Hinckley Park, South Portland. 24 May 2018
  10. Golden-winged Warbler. Hinckley Park, South Portland. 16 May 2018
  11. Bay-breasted Warbler. Evergreen Cemetery. 15 May 2018
  12. White-eyed Vireo. Capisic Pond. 09 May 2018
  13. Eastern Whip-poor-will. Evergreen Cemetery. 03 May 2018
  14. Glaucous Gull. Portland Fish Pier. 28 Jan 2018
  15. Snowy Owl. Portland International Jetport. 11 Jan 2018
  16. Clay-colored Sparrow. Gray Rd, Falmouth. 07 Jan 2018
  17. Lesser Scaup. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 12 Nov 2017
  18. Fork-tailed Flycatcher. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 17 Sep 2017
  19. Black Guillemot. Mackworth Island. 09 Sep 2017
  20. Cape May Warbler. Mackworth Island 09 Sep 2017
  21. Black-billed Cuckoo. River Point Conservation Area. 28 May 2017
  22. Alder Flycatcher. Evergreen Cemetery. 27 May 2017
  23. Cliff Swallow. Capisic Pond. 09 May 2017
  24. Hooded Warbler. Evergreen Cemetery. 09 May 2017
  25. Little Blue Heron. Tidewater Farm. 09 Apr 2017
  26. Thick-billed Murre. Portland Fish Pier. 22 Jan 2017
  27. Gadwall. Mackworth Causeway. 22 Jan 2017
  28. Common Merganser. Presumpscot River, Allen Ave Bridge 14 Jan 2017
  29. King Eider. Portland Fish Pier. 23 Dec 2016
  30. Rough-legged Hawk. Capisic Pond. 23 Nov 2016
  31. Snow Bunting. Thompson Point. 05 Nov 2016
  32. Northern Saw-whet Owl. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 27 Oct 2016
  33. Common Tern. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 31 Jul 2016
  34. Indigo Bunting. Hinckley Park. 26 May 2016
  35. Philadelphia Vireo. Evergreen Cemetery. 21 May 2016
  36. Prairie Warbler. Duck Pond Rd, Falmouth. 20 May 2016
  37. Field Sparrow. Duck Pond Rd, Falmouth. 20 May 2016
  38. Least Sandpiper. Capisic Pond. 17 May 2016
  39. Semipalmated Sandpiper. Capisic Pond. 15 May 2016
  40. Lesser Yellowlegs. Capisic Pond. 12 May 2016
  41. Fish Crow. Capisic Pond. 01 May 2016
  42. Marsh Wren. Capisic Pond. 01 May 2016
  43. White-faced Ibis. Providence Ave, Falmouth. 26 Apr 2016
  44. Glossy Ibis. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 23 Apr 2016
  45. Red-shouldered Hawk. Hardy Road Conservation Area. 13 Mar 2016
  46. Winter Wren. Sebago to the Sea Trail. 06 Mar 2016
  47. Iceland Gull. Mill Creek Cove. 30 Jan 2016
  48. Northern Pintail. Bay Harbor Car Wash. 07 Jan 2016
  49. White-winged Scoter. Mackworth Island. 28 Dec 2015
  50. Red-throated Loon. Mackworth Island. 28 Dec 2015
  51. Ross's Goose. Stroudwater St. fields. 02 Dec 2015
  52. Orange-crowned Warbler. Capisic Pond. 07 Nov 2015
  53. Surf Scoter. Mackworth Island. 24 Oct 2015
  54. Great Cormorant. Mackworth Island. 24 Oct 2015
  55. Golden-crowned Kinglet. River Point Conservation Area. 18 Oct 2015
  56. Bonaparte's Gull. Portland Waterfront. 30 Jul 2015
  57. Little Egret. Back Cove. 09 Jun 2015
  58. Olive-sided Flycatcher. Evergreen Cemetery. 19 May 2015
  59. Willow Flycatcher. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 19 May 2015
  60. Snowy Egret. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 18 May 2015
  61. Greater Yellowlegs. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 18 May 2015
  62. Virginia Rail. Capisic Pond. May 2015
  63. Eastern Kingbird. River Point Conservation Area. 10 May 2015
  64. Lincoln's Sparrow. River Point Conservation Area. 10 May 2015
  65. Least Bittern. Capisic Pond. 09 May 2015
  66. Blackpoll Warbler. Capisic Pond. 08 May 2015
  67. Rusty Blackbird. Capisic Pond. 07 May 2015
  68. Veery. Evergreen Cemetery. 07 May 2015
  69. Eastern Towhee. Capisic Pond. 06 May 2015
  70. Northern Waterthrush. Evergreen Cemetery. 06 May 2015
  71. Northern Rough-winged Swallow. Capisic Pond. 03 May 2015
  72. Red Crossbill. Evergreen Cemetery. 03 May 2015
  73. Chimney Swift. Capisic Pond. May 2015
  74. Vesper Sparrow. Capisic Pond. 29 Apr 2015
  75. Savannah Sparrow. Evergreen Cemetery. 28 Apr 2015
  76. Laughing Gull. Mackworth Causeway. 26 Apr 2015
  77. Greater Scaup. Mackworth Island. 26 Apr 2015
  78. Black Scoter. Mackworth Island. 26 Apr 2015
  79. Long-tailed Duck. Mackworth Island. 26 Apr 2015
  80. Common Loon. Mackworth Island. 26 Apr 2015
  81. Merlin. Capisic Pond. 24 Apr 2015
  82. Blue-headed Vireo. Evergreen Cemetery. 23 Apr 2015
  83. Bald Eagle. Evergreen Cemetery. 19 Apr 2015
  84. Eastern Bluebird. River Point Conservation Area. 17 Apr 2015
  85. Palm Warbler. River Point Conservation Area, Falmouth. 17 Apr 2015
  86. Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Evergreen Cemetery. 14 Apr 2015
  87. Bohemian Waxwing. River Point Conservation Area. 05 Apr 2015
  88. Killdeer. Stroudwater St. fields. 04 Apr 2015
  89. Eastern Meadowlark. Stroudwater St. fields. 04 Apr 2015
  90. Wilson's Snipe. Capisic Pond. 03 Apr 2015
  91. American Woodcock. Evergreen Cemetery. 03 Apr 2015
  92. Brown Creeper. Home. 20 Mar 2015
  93. Turkey Vulture. The Mill Store. 09 Mar 2015
  94. Carolina Wren. Evergreen Cemetery. 17 Feb 2015
  95. Common Redpoll. Home. 27 Jan 2015
  96. Brown Thrasher. Spring St. 17 Jan 2015
  97. Horned Lark. Thompson Point. 03 Jan 2015
  98. Greater White-fronted Goose. Stroudwater Crossing. 03 Jan 2015
  99. Ring-billed Gull. Presumpscot River, Westbrook. 02 Jan 2015
  100. Great Black-backed Gull. Fore River Trail/Hobart Street. 02 Jan 2015
  101. Great Horned Owl. Evergreen Cemetery. 28 Jun 2014
  102. Swainson's Thrush. Duck Pond Rd. 23 Jun 2014
  103. Great Crested Flycatcher. Home. 22 Jun 2014
  104. Eastern Wood-Pewee. Evergreen Cemetery. 31 May 2014
  105. Common Nighthawk. Evergreen Cemetery. 29 May 2014
  106. Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Capisic Pond. 29 May 2014
  107. Green Heron. Capisic Pond. 29 May 2014
  108. Rock Pigeon. Portland. 18 May 2014
  109. Red-eyed Vireo. River Point Conservation Area. 18 May 2014
  110. Tree Swallow. River Point Conservation Area. 18 May 2014
  111. Barn Swallow. River Point Conservation Area. 18 May 2014
  112. House Wren. River Point Conservation Area. 18 May 2014
  113. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. River Point Conservation Area. 18 May 2014
  114. Cedar Waxwing. River Point Conservation Area. 18 May 2014
  115. Magnolia Warbler. River Point Conservation Area. 18 May 2014
  116. Scarlet Tanager. River Point Conservation Area. 18 May 2014
  117. Rose-breasted Grosbeak. River Point Conservation Area. 18 May 2014
  118. Warbling Vireo. Capisic Pond. 16 May 2014
  119. Canada Warbler. Evergreen Cemetery. 15 May 2014
  120. Northern Parula. Capisic Pond. 15 May 2014
  121. Black-throated Blue Warbler. Capisic Pond. 15 May 2014
  122. Yellow-rumped Warbler. Capisic Pond. 15 May 2014
  123. Common Grackle. Capisic Pond. 15 May 2014
  124. Great Egret. Capisic Pond. 14 May 2014
  125. Least Flycatcher. Capisic Pond. 14 May 2014
  126. Common Yellowthroat. Capisic Pond. 14 May 2014
  127. Blackburnian Warbler. Capisic Pond. 14 May 2014
  128. Yellow Warbler. Capisic Pond. 14 May 2014
  129. Pine Warbler. Capisic Pond. 14 May 2014
  130. Wilson's Warbler. Capisic Pond. 14 May 2014
  131. Orchard Oriole. Capisic Pond. 14 May 2014
  132. Baltimore Oriole. Capisic Pond. 14 May 2014
  133. Red-winged Blackbird. Capisic Pond. 14 May 2014
  134. Spotted Sandpiper. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  135. Solitary Sandpiper. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  136. White-breasted Nuthatch. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  137. Hermit Thrush. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  138. Ovenbird. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  139. Black-and-white Warbler. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  140. Nashville Warbler. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  141. American Redstart. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  142. Chestnut-sided Warbler. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  143. Black-throated Green Warbler. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  144. Chipping Sparrow. Evergreen Cemetery. 13 May 2014
  145. Canada Goose. Evergreen Cemetery. 11 May 2014
  146. Wood Thrush. Evergreen Cemetery. 11 May 2014
  147. White-crowned Sparrow. Home. 11 May 2014
  148. Broad-winged Hawk. Evergreen Cemetery. 04 May 2014
  149. American Kestrel. Evergreen Cemetery. 12 Apr 2014
  150. Canvasback. Presumpscot River, Westbrook. 21 Mar 2014
  151. Ring-necked Duck. Presumpscot River, Westbrook. 21 Mar 2014
  152. Blue-winged Teal. Evergreen Cemetery. 18 May 2013
  153. American Golden-Plover. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 19 May 2013
  154. Swamp Sparrow. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 04 May 2013
  155. House Sparrow. Portland. 01 May 2013
  156. Pied-billed Grebe. Mackworth Island. 27 Apr 2013
  157. Northern Harrier. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 24 Apr 2013
  158. Green-winged Teal. Evergreen Cemetery. 20 Apr 2013
  159. American Wigeon. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 20 Apr 2013
  160. Red-bellied Woodpecker. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 20 Apr 2013
  161. Downy Woodpecker. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 20 Apr 2013
  162. Brown-headed Cowbird. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 20 Apr 2013
  163. Wood Duck. Capisic Pond. 16 Apr 2013
  164. Common Goldeneye. Mackworth Island. Apr 2013
  165. Red-breasted Merganser. Mackworth Island. 13 Apr 2013
  166. Common Eider. Mackworth Island. 07 Apr 2013
  167. Bufflehead. Mackworth Island. 07 Apr 2013
  168. Horned Grebe. Mackworth Island. 07 Apr 2013
  169. Red-necked Grebe. Mackworth Island. 04 Apr 2013
  170. Hooded Merganser. Mackworth Island. 03 Apr 2013
  171. Sharp-shinned Hawk. Portland. 01 Apr 2013
  172. Hairy Woodpecker. Portland. 01 Apr 2013
  173. European Starling. Portland. 01 Apr 2013
  174. American Tree Sparrow. Portland. 01 Apr 2013
  175. Fox Sparrow. Portland. 01 Apr 2013
  176. Song Sparrow. Portland. 01 Apr 2013
  177. Pileated Woodpecker. Evergreen Cemetery. 01 Mar 2013
  178. Pine Grosbeak. Evergreen Cemetery. 01 Mar 2013
  179. American Goldfinch. Evergreen Cemetery. 01 Mar 2013
  180. Cooper's Hawk. Portland. 01 Mar 2013
  181. Tufted Titmouse. Home. 21 Feb 2013
  182. Red-breasted Nuthatch. Home. 21 Feb 2013
  183. House Finch. Portland. 01 Feb 2013
  184. Red-tailed Hawk. Portland. 01 Jan 2013
  185. Mourning Dove. Home. 13 Oct 2012
  186. American Robin. Home. 13 Oct 2012
  187. White-throated Sparrow. Home. 3 Oct 2012
  188. Barred Owl. Evergreen Cemetery. 11 Oct 2012
  189. Northern Mockingbird. Evergreen Cemetery. 11 Oct 2012
  190. Wild Turkey. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 09 Oct 2012
  191. American Bittern. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 09 Oct 2012
  192. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 09 Oct 2012
  193. Mallard. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  194. American Black Duck. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  195. Double-crested Cormorant. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  196. Great Blue Heron. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  197. Osprey. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  198. Herring Gull. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  199. Belted Kingfisher. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  200. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  201. Northern Flicker. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  202. Peregrine Falcon. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  203. Eastern Phoebe. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  204. Black-capped Chickadee. Evergreen Cemetery. Oct 2012
  205. Gray Catbird. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  206. Dark-eyed Junco. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  207. Northern Cardinal. Evergreen Cemetery. 08 Oct 2012
  208. Blue Jay. Home. 01 Oct 2012
  209. American Crow. Home. 01 Oct 2012
  210. Common Raven. Home. 01 Oct 2012
  211. Bobolink. Gilsland Farm Audubon Center. 01 Aug 2012
  212. Purple Finch. Home. 28 Apr 2012
  213. Pine Siskin. Home. 31 Oct 2009
  214. Black-crowned Night-Heron. Back Cove, Portland 01 Jul 2009

Edit: I have recently created this map which shows my 5-Mile Radius Patch with all of the eBird locations within which I have visited. There is more information about this map on my page about creating a map from your eBird data, which will be posted shortly.

5MR Hotspot

Publicado el junio 23, 2018 01:27 MAÑANA por hallnatec hallnatec


Very nice list. It would be interesting to see it in taxonomic order. Have you started making lists of the species you are missing and trying to find out where you can see them? I just found out that a friend had some Burrowing Owls in my radius yesterday. I know what I am doing this evening. Lol.

Publicado por vermfly hace más de 6 años

Good luck with the Burrowing Owls.

I haven't started to make a list of the species that are missing, that is a great idea. It will give me some goals for the coming year. This is the first year that I've kept track of my 5-mile radius patch, so next year I'll really start to hone it in. I haven't put then into taxonomic order yet, but that is easy enough with eBird.

One thing I was thinking about was creating a list of the eBird hotspots within my radius and trying to get as many of them as possible up to 100 species and then once that was done shooting for 150 for each of them and then trying to get them up to 200. It might be a fun birding goal for next year.

Publicado por hallnatec hace más de 6 años

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