Map Your eBird

A couple years ago I came across this blog entry which showed you how to map out your eBird data. It was fun to play with at the time and I had it filed away in the back of my mind.


My favorite is the pelagic trips and how they make lines out into the ocean. Clearly I live in Southern Maine as that is were most of my birding happens. I also like the map where I add my 5-Mile Radius Patch area, because that does give me a better sense of it.

Just for the reference the colors are broken down as follows and each represents the first year that I submitted an eBird checklist for that area.

pre-2012 – grey
2013 – white
2014 – brown
2015 – blue
2016 – green
2017 – yellow
2018 – red

Publicado el junio 27, 2018 01:25 MAÑANA por hallnatec hallnatec


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