Archivos de diario de agosto 2023

02 de agosto de 2023

Finding out after the fact

Just returned from Hawaii-the Big Island. Great to go snorkeling and do some terrestrial viewing as well. I was confounded to discover that the First People would rather that I had not come to support tourism.

I respect that now after the fact. I had a great time with my family and hiking on my own. Looking back, it was a wonder to make new observations, but at what cost? I think my days of travel will be limited more and more. I need to examine my own ethic and find my own peace with living lighter on this planet, for all beings.

It's not all about me...

Publicado el agosto 2, 2023 06:13 MAÑANA por howardfriedman1 howardfriedman1 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
