New Split: Shedding light on a species complex within the genus Goniodoridella

Hi Everyone,

Part of Goniodoridella savignyi complex has finally been studied and three new species G. geminae n. sp., G. serrata n. sp. and G. unidonta n. sp. are described.

Paz-Sedano, S.; Ekimova, I.; Smirnoff, D.; Gosliner, T. M.; Pola, M. (2023). Shedding light on a species complex within the genus Goniodoridella Pruvot-Fol, 1933 (Nudibranchia: Goniodorididae), with the description of three new species. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 89(4).

Enjoy reading!

Publicado el diciembre 27, 2023 05:00 MAÑANA por hsini_lin hsini_lin


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