Unneeded interest

My Adobe software has been removed by me because it was something that was desired by others. And they were pretty successful in taking it. Also most of my photographs done as a volunteer for NCC, Nature Saskatchewan and others have been taken, as well as my personal landscape photographs. Over the years I have earned next to nothing, as I do not try to. Others only want my work if it is free. Hmmm! So are my photographs of use to anyone? Or is this merely my ego talking? It took me all morning to barely make a dent in maintaining my privacy protection. And I lost my Apple iCloud and my personal ID.


Publicado el junio 6, 2024 06:15 TARDE por mandarinduck008 mandarinduck008


I'm sorry you are facing all this difficulty with your computers!

Your observations are certainly of value here.

Publicado por sedgequeen hace 20 días

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