Creating a list of bees endemic to the Southeastern US???

I’ve googled and I can’t seem to find an answer, but I’m curious if anyone has a list of bees endemic to the Southeastern US?
I guess I’m going to start a list:
Caupolicana electa
Colletes ultravalidus
Habropoda laboriosa
Svastra aegis

I’ll edit and add, but that’s what my wine brain can come up with on a Friday night. Feel free to comment with resources or other Southeastern exclusive bees.

Publicado el marzo 23, 2024 12:47 MAÑANA por misspt misspt


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Marzo 16, 2024 a las 12:43 TARDE CDT


Maybe Anthidiellum perplexum?

Publicado por misspt hace 3 meses

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