01 de noviembre de 2022

Wolley-Dod's Waai Vley

Wolley-Dod collected numerous species in an area which appears to be close to today's Echo Valley. He calls it "Waai vley" and I wanted to compile all the mentioned taxa to try and pin it down. There is some evidence to suggest that it is not exactly the same area as Echo valley, rather lying slightly to the east along the trail from Smuts track to Echo valley proper.

Heliophila dentifera

Heliophila meyeri meyeri
Mountain slopes, rare; East slopes DP; Waai vley; plentiful after a fire at top of Skeleton ravine

Argyrolobium lanceolatum

Argyrolobium lunare sericeum
Flats and hill slopes, rather common; Seen in Waai vley and near summit of Table Mountain, but very rarely so high

Rochea jasminea

Crassula obtusa
Dry places on mountain plateaux, local; Lower plateau, Skeleton ravine, Waai vley

Staavia glutinosa

Mountain slopes and plateaux, rather rare; Skeleton ravine, lower plateau, Waai vley

Hermas capitata

Damp rocks on mountains, occasional; Waai vley; Steenberg; Constantiaberg; Klaasjagersberg

Helichrysum humile

Edmondia pinifolia
Mountain slopes and rocks, occasional; Waai vley; Kasteel poort; Kalk Bay mountains, plentiful on Constantiaberg

Osmites dentata

Osmitopsis dentata
Hill and mountain slopes, especially by damp rocks, common, Reaches 3200 ft in Waai vley

Senecio speciosus

Hill and mountain slopes, partial to damp shade, frequent, Reaches 3200 ft in Waai vley.

Senecio crispus

Mountain plateaux, locally common. Lower plateau of Table Mountain; Waai vley

Senecio cymbalariifolius rotundifolius

... forms near var. rotundifolius may be found in Waai vley

Senecio grandiflorus

Hill and mountain slopes, frequent. Reaches 3000 ft in Waai vley.

Ursinia nudicaulis

Wet places on mountains, locally common. From Waai vley to summit

Lobelia depressa

Monopsis debilis?
Damp hollows, inundated in winter, on flats and mountains, occasional. Rapenburg vley; roadsides beside Camp Ground; Waai vley and near summit.

Erica obtusata

Mountains, rare; Head of Waai vley

Erica dodii

Mountains, rare. Head of Waai vley

Sebaea capitata

Mountains, very rare. Near mouth of Waai vley. Only a single specimen was gathered. It appears to have been seldom found before.

Selago quadrangularis

Pseudoselago peninsulae
Shady rocks at high elevations, occasional; Devil's peak; Waai vley, frequent; Constantiaberg; West slopes of Orange kloof

Holothrix hispidula

Holothrix cernua, H. brevipetala
Sandy places on mountains, rather rare; Lower Plateau over Klassenbosch; Farmer Peck's valley; frequent in Waai vley
Our reference is Probably H. villosa condensata

Satyrium lindleianum (lindleyanum)

Satyrium retusum
Mountain slopes, occasional. Klaver vley; Constantiaberg; north slopes of Table mountain; rocks over Waai vley

Satyrium rhynchanthum

Mountain swamps, rare. Waai vley; by the reservoir on lower Plateau; Steenberg

Disa uniflora

Wet krantzes and by mountain streams, locally common. Especially common on Lower Plateau and in Waai Vley etc. also in kloofs on west slopes of Orange kloof; above Tokay; Silvermine river

Disa bodkinii

Moist mountain ravines, very rare. Table Mountain above Klassenbosch, 2400ft; Also in Waai vley

Pterygodium acutifolium

Mountain slopes, occasional. Lower plateau; Waai vley; Muizenberg

Disperis capensis

Flats and slopes to a considerable elevation, common. Reaches Waai vley. The yellowish-flowered variety looks a distinct species, and is distinct from the much rarer albino form of the type, but we cannot separate it by definite characters. It is frequent on the lower slopes of the Devil's peak, where it flowers at a different period from the type

Disperis paludosa

Marshy ground on mountains, usually rare; Waai vley; near Ranger's cottage and Wynberg reservoir; Silvermine valley. In some years abundant on the lower Plateau.

Moraea ramosa

Moraea ramosissima
Damp places from flats to high mountains, frequent and locally abundant. Reachs Waai vley

Moraea jacquiniana

Moraea tripetala jacquiniana
Mountain slopes and plateaux, occasional; Waai vley and near the summit of Table Mountain; summit of Twelve apostles; Vlaggeberg; Constantiaberg; Steenberg

Bobartia filiformis

Flats to the mountain tops, usually in damp places, occasional; Frequent on the flats; Lower plateau; Waai vley; summit of Table Mountain

Geissorhiza wrightii

Geissorhiza imbricata imbricata
Mountain slopes, rare; Rocks over Waai vley

Gladiolus blandus

Gladiolus carneus
Mountain slopes, frequent. Abundand in Waai vley after a fire. Rarely below 1000ft but gathered at 300ft at Steenberg farm

Anthericum tabulare

Trachyandra tabularis
damp plateaux and dripping rocks at high elevations, locally frequent. Plentiful on Lower plateau, also along Twelve apostles, and above Waai vley

Juncus bufonius

In cultivated and waste ground, common. Seen in Waai vley but rarely at so high an elevation

Scirpus fluitans

Isolepis fluitans
Scirpus capillifolius
Isolepis striata
One or other of these two species is common and reaches Waai vley

Ficinia ixioides

Wet ground on mountains, rare; Wynberg reservoir; Waai vley

Ficinia zeyheri

Hill and mountain slopes, rare. Waai vley, slopes beyong Simon's town

Ehrharta setacea

Mountain plateaux, locally frequent. Lower plateau over Skeleton ravine; Waai vley.

Publicado el noviembre 1, 2022 12:06 TARDE por pdwhugo pdwhugo | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

30 de agosto de 2022

Plectranthinae notes

Created 18/07/2022

These are my current overarching notes which I have posted here for reference.

Context in Lamiaceae

The list below shows the genera in Lamiaceae, for Southern Africa (i.e. SA, Lesotho, eSwatini, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe & southern Mozambique), highighting the position of the Plectranthinae relative to other taxonomic groupings (but not showing any phylogenetic information beyond the groupings.
In general the list shows the cumulative number of native genera. In the case of the Plectranthinae the number of species is also shown. These are only indicative numbers and may need to be updated to take into account a few fringe genera or taxonomic duplication/omission. At the same time, the aim of this is not to be a conspectus of the Lamiaceae and so the focus will be on ensuring the data are complete for the Plectranthinae specifically.

The total number of Southern African species (not including hybrids) in the Plectranthinae according to my current survey is 128, apportioned as below.

  • Subfamily Nepetoideae (20)
    • Tribe Ocimeae (15)
      • Subtribe Plectranthinae (6)
        • Aeollanthus (12)
        • Coleus (60)
        • Equilabium (14)
        • Plectranthus (29)
        • Tetradenia (7)
        • Thorncroftia (6)
          • Apparently Changwe was planning to add one more species based on molecular data
      • Subtribe Ociminae (8)
        • Basilicum polystachyon
        • Endostemon
        • Haumaniastrum
        • Hoslundia opposita
        • Ocimum
        • Orthosiphon
        • Platostoma
        • Syncolostemon
      • Subtribe Isodoninae (1)
        • Isodon ramosissimus
    • Tribe Mentheae (5)
      • Clinopodium
      • Killickia
      • Mentha
      • Micromeria imbricata
      • Salvia
  • Subfamily Lamioideae (7)
    • Achyrospermum carvalhoi
    • Acrotome
    • Leonotis
    • Leucas
    • Pogostemon aquatica
    • Pseudodictamnus africanus
    • Stachys
  • Subfamily Ajugoideae (7)
    • Ajuga ophyridis
    • Clerodendrum
    • Kalaharia uncinata
    • Karomia
    • Rotheca
    • Teucrium
    • Volkameria glabra
  • Subfamily Premnoideae (1)
    • Premna
  • Subfamily Scutellarioideae (2)
    • Scutellaria schweinfurthii
    • Tinnea
  • Subfamily Viticoideae (1)
    • Vitex

Zooming in on the Plectranthinae

In the case of the other Lamiaceae, the listed genera exclude those which correspond to introduced, naturalised or otherwise exotic species. For the Plectranthinae, however, I have tried to also keep track of those species which might readily be encountered so that the identification can be made clear. This includes species such as Coleus barbatus, C. scutellaroides or C. amboinicus. I have noticed before that some synonyms have snuck in so this is a working list which I will want to update from time to time.

  • Aeollanthus
    • Aeollanthus buchnerianus
    • Aeollanthus engleri
    • Aeollanthus fruticosus
    • Aeollanthus myrianthus
    • Aeollanthus neglectus
    • Aeollanthus parvifolius
    • Aeollanthus rehmannii
    • Aeollanthus serpiculoides
    • Aeollanthus serpiculoides × ukamensis
    • Aeollanthus suaveolens
    • Aeollanthus subacaulis
    • Aeollanthus ukamensis
    • Aeollanthus viscosus
  • Coleus
    • Coleus aliciae
    • Coleus amboinicus
    • Coleus autranii
    • Coleus barbatus
    • Coleus bojeri
    • Coleus buchananii
    • Coleus calycinus
    • Coleus caninus
    • Coleus caudatus
    • Coleus ciliatus
    • Coleus comosus
    • Coleus crassus
    • Coleus cucullatus
    • Coleus cylindraceus
    • Coleus densus
    • Coleus dewildemanianus
    • Coleus dinteri
    • Coleus dolichopodus
    • Coleus efoliatus
    • Coleus esculentus
    • Coleus gibbosus
    • Coleus gracilipedicellatum
    • Coleus gracillimus
    • Coleus grandidentatus
    • Coleus guerkei
    • Coleus hadiensis
    • Coleus hereroensis
    • Coleus kapatensis
    • Coleus kirkii
    • Coleus lanuginosus
    • Coleus lasianthus
    • Coleus leemannii
    • Coleus livingstonei
    • Coleus longipetiolatus
    • Coleus madagascariensis
    • Coleus melleri
    • Coleus mirabilis
    • Coleus mutabilis
    • Coleus namuliensis
    • Coleus neochilus
    • Coleus orthodontus
    • Coleus pentheri
    • Coleus porcatus
    • Coleus porphyranthus
    • Coleus psammophilus
    • Coleus rhodesianum
    • Coleus rotundifolius
    • Coleus sanguineus
    • Coleus scutellaroides
    • Coleus sessilifolius
    • Coleus shirensis
    • Coleus stenostachys
    • Coleus stuhlmannii
    • Coleus subspicatus
    • Coleus tetragonus
    • Coleus thyrsoideus
    • Coleus unguentarius
    • Coleus venteri
    • Coleus welwitschii
    • Coleus xerophilus
  • Equilabium
    • Equilabium annuum
    • Equilabium candelabriforme
    • Equilabium dolomiticum
    • Equilabium flaccidum
    • Equilabium gracile
    • Equilabium laxiflorum
    • Equilabium petiolare
    • Equilabium pinetorum
    • Equilabium pubescens
    • Equilabium selukwense
    • Equilabium stenophyllum
    • Equilabium stenosiphon
    • Equilabium vesiculare
    • Equilabium viphyense
  • Plectranthus
    • Plectranthus ambiguus
    • Plectranthus brevimentum
    • Plectranthus chimanimanensis
    • Plectranthus ciliatus
    • Plectranthus ecklonii
    • Plectranthus elegantulus
    • Plectranthus ernstii
    • Plectranthus fruticosus
    • Plectranthus grallatus
    • Plectranthus guruensis
    • Plectranthus hilliardiae
    • Plectranthus lucidus
    • Plectranthus malvinus
    • Plectranthus mandalensis
    • Plectranthus mzimvubuensis
    • Plectranthus oertendahlii
    • Plectranthus oribiensis
    • Plectranthus praetermissus
    • Plectranthus purpuratus
    • Plectranthus reflexus
    • Plectranthus rubropunctatus
    • Plectranthus saccatus
    • Plectranthus strigosus
    • Plectranthus stylesii
    • Plectranthus swynnertonii
    • Plectranthus termiticola
    • Plectranthus verticillatus
    • Plectranthus zuluensis
  • Tetradenia
    • Tetradenia bainesii
    • Tetradenia barberae
    • Tetradenia brevispicata
    • Tetradenia discolor
    • Tetradenia galpinii
    • Tetradenia riparia
    • Tetradenia tuberosa
  • Thorncroftia
    • Thorncroftia greenii
    • Thorncroftia longiflora
    • Thorncroftia lotteri
    • Thorncroftia media
    • Thorncroftia succulenta
    • Thorncroftia thorncroftii

Two other genera are represented in the Plectranthinae, but these are not found in Southern Africa as defined above.

  • Alvesia (3 species)
    • Central Africa
  • Capitanopsis (3-6 species)
    • Madagascar


  • GBIF.org (18 July 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.e9pkcf
  • GBIF.org (27 August 2022) GBIF Occurrence Download https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.qendgk
  • Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. 2022. Flora zambesiaca projects:
    • Flora of Zimbabwe
    • Flora of Botswana
    • Flora of Caprivi
    • Flora of Mozambique
  • POSA (South African National Biodiversity Institute. 2016. Botanical Database of Southern Africa)
  • Van Jaarsveld, Ernst J. 2006. The Southern African Plectranthus and the art of turning shade into glade.
  • POWO. 2022. "Plants of the World Online". Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • iNat records (most of which are on GBIF I assume)
I will eventually handle the references in a more consistent way. In any event it makes more sense to cite at the species level where the aim is to aggregate available information.


Publicado el agosto 30, 2022 04:26 TARDE por pdwhugo pdwhugo | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
