Archivos de diario de abril 2024

26 de abril de 2024

Plants and Birds on the Greenbelt

Today I had some reading for school to get done, so I drove to Ann Morrison Park in Boise to go do that since it beats being stuck inside. While sitting by the river, I saw several mallard ducks and Canada geese float by and take a rest by the shore. After I finished my reading, I took a walk along the greenbelt for a bit to see if I'd find anything interesting. There were tons of dandelions and storksbills in bloom which wasn't surprising, since they're all over the city, but I also found some other things like whitetop, tumblemustard, star-of-bethlehem, donkeytail, flax and grape-hyacinths. I wasn't familiar with the star-of-bethlehem before today when I posted it here, so that was cool to find. Unfortunately, none of the flowers I observed were native species, which makes me wonder what the Boise River was like before the area got built up and tons of invasive species were introduced.

Publicado el abril 26, 2024 05:22 MAÑANA por ponderosa ponderosa | 11 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
