Archivos de diario de septiembre 2024

07 de septiembre de 2024

Caprochromus longisetosus (Slater 1964)

Head thickly clothed with decumbent silky pile. Body sparsely clothed with very elongate, upstanding yellowish hairs. Antennae elongate and slender, fourth segment narrowly fusiform and curved. Pronotum with anterior lobe moderately convex. Hemelytra brachypterous, membrane reduced, mesally not exceeding fifth abdominal tergite, acuminate posteriorly.

Original description (Paradieuches longisetosus) in:
Slater, J.A. 1964. Hemiptera (Heteroptera) Lygaeidae. In: Handstrom, Brinck & Rudebeck (Eds.). South African Animal Life, 10, 15–228.

Photo of holotype (Lund collection):

Type localiy: South Africa, Western Cape, Swartberg pass, Platberg

iNat observation:

Publicado el septiembre 7, 2024 05:20 MAÑANA por traianbertau traianbertau | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

10 de septiembre de 2024

11 de septiembre de 2024

Anomalipus capensis Endrody-Younga 1988

Medium sized, with characteristic leather-like sculpture of elytra. Macrosculpture leather-like, microsculpture consists of a fine and widely spaced granulation. Integument, except for the top of
elevations, densely shagreened, matt.
Inner surface of anterior tibia densely denticulate in male. Posterior half of anal sternite deeply impressed. Posterior margin of anal sternite sharply marginate

Detailled description, distribution map and photo in:
Endrody-Younga, S. 1988. Revision of the genus Anomalipus Latreille, 1846
Photo of holotype Plate 21D:

Distribution: South-eastern Cape
Type locality: Uitenhage

iNat observation:

Publicado el septiembre 11, 2024 09:22 MAÑANA por traianbertau traianbertau | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Histrionotus lightfooti (Peringuey, 1892)

Diagnosis: primary costa formed by long spines, similar to those in Somaticus (Clinocranion) spinosus, but approximated to suture and situated at about middle of elytron; the epipleural margination double, with the upper edge formed by long spines, together with its submarginal depression entirely visible in dorsal aspect.

Original description in:
Peringuey, L. 1892.
Gen. Trachynotus. Latr.
T. Lightfooti.
Oblongus, niger, pilis decumbentibus sericeis tectus; prothorace transverso, lateribus valde angulatis; elytris oblengo-ovatis, sub-deplanatis, postice acuminiatis, disco margineque laterali spinis acutis seriatis in singulo armatis.
Long. 11-13, lat. 4-6 mm.
Oblong, black, covered with short decumbent silky greyish hairs, and also with a white tomentum leaving two rouud denuded spots on each elytron, the postical one the largest of the two; head punctuated, eyes raised; prothorax transverse with the outer sides acute hardly convex; elytra oblongo-ovate, little convex, once and a half as broad in its greatest width as the prothorax, and acuminated behind; each one has on the disk a row of long, sharp spines slightly directed backwards; these spines are equi-distant from one another; the outer margin has also a row of short spines arranged in the same manner and reaching from the shoulder to the apex. Some examples (female) have sometimes traces of an intermediate series of very short spines between the suture and discoidal row. The underside is briefly pilose, the legs very long and slender, the claws and spurs reddish.

Captured near Port Nolloth, Little Naniaqualand, by Mr. R. 'Light-foot, after whom I propose to name it.

Illustrated in: Koch C. 1955. Monograph of the Tenebrionidae of southern Africa Vol I (Tentyriinae, Molurini Trachynotina: Somaticus Hope). Transvaal Museum Memoir 7. Plate V, fig. 9.


iNat observations:

Publicado el septiembre 11, 2024 12:40 TARDE por traianbertau traianbertau | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de septiembre de 2024

Allobaccha cuthbertsoni (Curran 1938)

Black species with brown stigma and a dark spot on the wing tip, third and seventh veins strongly curved.
Can be confused with A. praeusta and A. sapphirina

Original description in:
Curran, C.H. 1938. Records and descriptions of African Syrphidae II (Diptera). American Museum Novitates 1010.

Black, the legs mostly reddish; wings tinged with brown except basally and with trace of preapical brown spot. Length, about 9 mm.
MALE.-Head metallic blackish blue in ground color, the frontal and vertical triangles shining black; pile black, pale yellow on the occiput, the upper occipital cilia brownish yellow. Frontal triangle rather small, moderately convex, the sides and upper border with pile, the middle bare, a very small spot of cinereous pollen above. Vertical triangle elongate and narrow, the row of hair wholly black. Occiput and face cinereous white pollinose. Oral margin strongly oblique. Face perpendicular, the tubercle of medium size and more prominent than the antennal base, shining black. Antennae reddish, the third segment slightly darkened above, one half longer than wide, subcylindrical, the apex broadly rounded; arista brown on apical half.
Thorax shining black, the pleura with obscure yellowish pollen in the middle and whitish pollen on blackish-blue ground posteriorly. Pile yellowish, black behind the suture except in the middle, very pale on the pleura.
Legs reddish, the coxae, posterior femora except the ends and the posterior tibiae on the apical three-fourths, brown. Pile inconspicuous, pale, mostly black on the posterior femora and tibiae, long and blackish posteriorly on the middle femora.
Wings tinged with brown on the apical two-thirds, the stigma dark brown. Between the tips of the second and third veins there is a narrow brown spot along the costa that quickly merges into the pale field. Squamae and fringe white. Halteres pale yellow.
Abdomen shining black, with opaque markings, the sides of the first segment somewhat bluish. Sides of the second segment narrowed to the basal fourth, thence with parallel sides to the apical fourth which is slightly swollen and bears an incomplete opaque fascia; third segment decidedly longer than wide, increasing in width from the base to apex; fourth segment longer than wide and gently tapering apically; fifth segment three times as wide as long. Third segment with a large opaque triangle occupying the apical half except laterally, the fourth with a large, subopaque triangle extending forward from the apical fourth almost to the base, the fifth with the broad apex bronzed. Pile black, obscure yellowish on the basal two segments, whitish on the sides and broad base of the third, the fourth with a broad basal fascia of appressed, sparse, white pile that is greatly expanded inside the lateral margins but does not reach the sides. Genitalia shining black. Venter bluish, with broad, opaque bands on the apices of the sternites.

Type locality: Maputo, Mozambique
A widespread Afrotropical species, numerous records from South Africa and Zimbabwe.

iNat observation:

Publicado el septiembre 20, 2024 07:32 MAÑANA por traianbertau traianbertau | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
