Mid-Day Birding on the Arroyo Colorado, April 12
Updated over a year ago · Taken at Arroyo Colorado, TX

  1. Crested caracara
  2. Aplomado falcon
  3. White-tailed hawk
  4. Swainson’s hawk
  5. Turkey vulture
  6. Black vulture
  7. Osprey
  8. Wild turkey
  9. Mourning dove
  10. Rock dove
  11. Great blue heron
  12. Tricolored heron
  13. Little green heron
  14. Great egret
  15. Snowy egret
  16. Cattle egret
  17. Black-crowned night heron
  18. Laughing gull
  19. Black-necked stilt
  20. Eastern willet
  21. Spotted sandpiper
  22. Solitary sandpiper
  23. American coot
  24. Ruddy duck
  25. Mottled duck
  26. Black-bellied whistling duck
  27. Great-tailed grackle
  28. Red-winged blackbird
  29. Ringed kingfisher
  30. Green kingfisher
  31. Belted kingfisher
  32. Scissor-tail flycatcher
  33. Couch’s kingbird
  34. Great kiskadee
  35. Chihuahuan raven
  36. Green jay
  37. Northern mockingbird
  38. Loggerhead shrike
  39. Golden-fronted woodpecker
  40. Brown pelican
  41. Double-crested cormorant

... and one ocelot.

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