ANTKEEPING - Ants Australia Shop is NOW OPEN

For those of you who keep ants, the Ants Australia Shop is NOW OPEN:
Introduction video:
Ants Australia SHOP is now open:
I am currently looking for Tetramorium queens, good luck this summer!

Publicado el junio 15, 2017 05:36 TARDE por tiskolin tiskolin


Well this sucks, another shop shipping potentially invasive species around the world and with Australias restrictions on collecting and exports these are probably not legal exports.

Publicado por gcsnelling hace más de 7 años

I agree with you, but this shop is selling supplies, not ants. I am against shipping ants.

Publicado por tiskolin hace más de 7 años

Ahh ok.

Publicado por gcsnelling hace más de 7 años

They sell ants now if you need them check ant canadas gan project im only a kid and im in ireland so i cant get any but you might if you get lucky(by the way the yrong nests are great)

Publicado por imonlyuseingthisa... hace alrededor de 7 años

Thanks for the information, @imonlyuseingthisaccountonce and yes, I know about the gan project. Unfortunately, the shipping to the US for the Ytong nests is super expensive, so I will have to find another seller.

Publicado por tiskolin hace alrededor de 7 años

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