202 species and 1,000 observations!!

The Herps of Texas project now has over 200 species and over 1,000 observations; not bad for just over two months! Thank you to everyone that has submitted observations.

You may have noticed that the checklist had over 270 taxa this morning. We changed the way it tracks the taxa total to just count species so we don't double count a subspecies and a species.

Publicado el noviembre 13, 2012 09:38 TARDE por cullen cullen


I did some checking of the taxonomy for the HOT list which has brought the number of observed species down to 197 out of a possible of 228 (barring any previously unknown discoveries). The species removed from the list are:
Gerrhonotus liocephalus - accidentally listed from an obs of CC
Texas Alligator Lizard (Gerrhonotus infernalis) incorrectly ID'd from a bad common name

Incilius valliceps - accidentally listed from a few obs of Gulf Coast Toad (Incilius nebulifer) incorrectly ID'd from confusing common names
Lampropeltis getula - accidentally listed from an obs of Lampropeltis holbrooki probably incorrectly ID'd from taxonomic confusion over a recent split
Pantherophis alleghaniensis - accidentally listed from an obs of P. obsoletus probably incorrectly ID'd from taxonomic confusion over a recent split
Plestiodon obtusirostris - Reptile Database has this as its own species but SSAR has it as a subspecies of Plestiodon septentrionalis which HOT is going with
Pseudacris feriarum - accidentally listed from a mis-ID'd obs of Cajun Chorus Frog (Pseudacris fouquettei)
Sceloporus serrifer - Accidentally listed due to confusion about this species and Sceloporus cyanogenys which SSAR have as separate species with Sceloporus serrifer not occuring in Texas
Uta stejnegeri - Reptile Database has this as its own species but SSAR has it as a subspecies of U. stansburiana which HOT is going with

Publicado por loarie hace casi 12 años

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