Vernal Pool #5

May 31, 2018, Emmons Preserve, Kennebunkport, ME

It had been over a week and a half since I had last checked the vernal pools that I had found at Emmons Preserve, Kennebunkport (previous vernal pool posts). I believed that the small one which was formed in the hole of a fallen tree wasn't going to have any hatched eggs, so I didn't even check it this time. Instead I went to the first one which I felt had the best chance. When I got to it there was absolutely no water in it at all. None. I looked for a while and even got down closer to the "pool" and gently moved some leaves around but there was nothing. There was muddy leaves but they were almost totally dry themselves.

The bugs where still there though. It was super buggy the morning that I was there.

In my final reflection, I'm curious if this pool is a viable location when we experience springs with more rain. It had been a fairly dry season and I can't help but think that had something to do with the pool drying up so quickly and none of the eggs surviving.

eBird checklist

Publicado el junio 4, 2018 08:02 TARDE por hallnatec hallnatec


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