Impact of Australasian Fishes

Updated 26 July 2018

Australasian Fishes went online in October 2016. Since then, over 33,000 observations uploaded by members have resulted in over 200 discoveries. For more details contact Mark McGrouther.

A selection of the recent discoveries:

 Contributor  Date submitted Species Discovery
vinrush Jul 12, 2018 Xanthic Buffalo Bream
glen_whisson Jul 14, 2018 Range extension
vinrush Jul 12, 2018 Range extension
harryrosenthal Jun 16, 2018 Range extension
rick-ludd Jun 23, 2018 Size record
glen_whisson Jun 9, 2018 Range extension
ralfmagee Jan 12, 2014 Southern record for the Yellowmouth Moray
dentrock June 16, 2018 New record for Lord Howe Island
sascha_schulz June 10, 2018 Eating a poisonous Tetractenos glaber
vinrush June 9, 2018 Range extension
dentrock June 4, 2018 Range extension
pamelaviolet May 30, 2018 Large white areas

Observation summary:
In addition to the discoveries summarized below, Australasian Fishes has gathered information on schooling behaviour, habitats, strandings, overwintering, tagged fishes, growth, aquarium releases and other subjects.

Subject Number of observations
Range extension / first record 88
Diet / feeding 17
Parasite / fungus 11
New species / newly described     6
Colour pattern 17
Damage / injuries 19
Courtship / reproduction 19
Behavioural information 10
Publicado el junio 14, 2018 12:04 MAÑANA por markmcg markmcg


Nice work. Congratulations to everyone involved.

Publicado por clinton hace más de 6 años

Thank you @clinton. With the input of many generous and knowledgeable people, the project is coming along very nicely.

Publicado por markmcg hace más de 6 años

Shows the value of many people sharing observations. Well done to admins

Publicado por tonydiver hace más de 6 años

Definitely agree with you @tonydiver. Thank you for your comment. :)

Publicado por markmcg hace más de 6 años

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