Journal Entries - Key

I thought I would try to enter some general notes for days posted to iNaturalist. I'm entering them first into an Excel spreadsheet, then merging to a Word document. At the moment of writing, I have 12 entries, dating back to mid August. Over time, these entries may be adjusted or expanded.

As of the time of writing, the fields are as follows:
ID: Record Number in Spreadsheet
ENTRY DATE: Date of Visit
TIME ARRIVED: Approximate time of arrival to location, usually by car.
TIME LEFT: Approximate time of leaving location.
DATE COMMENT: Comment about significance of date/visit.
SUMMARY: General statement about visit.
WEATHER COMMENT: General comment about the weather.
BLUE SKY PERCENT: Percentage of the sky that is blue
WEATHER CLARITY: The clarity of the sky (100 - blue, 50 - Pale blue, 25 - translucent clouds, 0 - cloudy/hazy).
WEATHER STATION REPORT: Location of most local weather station report on that day.
Pictures Taken For:

PICTURE POST: Picture Post is at (1 - Yes, 0 - No)
iNaturalist: (1/0)
Other: (1/0)
ROUTE TAKEN: General path taken during the visit, usually walking.
TERRAIN: General statement about the slope, habitats, and whether natural or human impacted.
PHENOLOGY: General statement on the phenology at the time of visit, plus highlights of life found.
CONVERSATIONS: Statements on any related conversations had at time of visit.
EXTRA NOTES: Misc statements.

Publicado el octubre 13, 2018 04:00 MAÑANA por ceaustin ceaustin


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