Rangers seek help in elk poaching case.

National park officials are asking for the public’s help as they investigate the poaching of a bull elk found Oct. 3 in Elk Meadow near the intersection of U.S. 101 and Davison Road.


Publicado el noviembre 4, 2018 03:02 MAÑANA por biohexx1 biohexx1


This is truly a shame, and I hope someone with information on the poachers comes forward, even if anonymously.

Publicado por erickaraiza85 hace casi 6 años

Yes. Someone shot a condor last month.
I don't know if they ever find these people.

Publicado por biohexx1 hace casi 6 años

Neither do I and that's just awful. I mean condors are endangered to start off so that is just beyond evil.

Publicado por erickaraiza85 hace casi 6 años

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