5-Mile Radius 2019 Challenge

One of the birding blogs that I follow called I Used to Hate Birds is having a 2019 5MR challenge.

The details of the challenge can be found here. But basically they are asking people to bird an area with a 5 mile radius centered on your home. Each month they are asking you to figure out your percentage. To figure out your percentage you take the number of birds you saw in your area and divide it by the number of birds reported in your county on eBird.

For example, so far in December I've seen 33 species in my area while 125 species have been reported in Cumberland County. So my percentage would be 33/125= 26% for December.

It's green, local, and fun. Consider joining in.

I'll be posting my totals here as the year progresses.

Publicado el diciembre 20, 2018 05:47 TARDE por hallnatec hallnatec


I had some friends working on this in 2018. I didn't get into it right away but maybe I should just take it a bit more seriously in 2019.

Publicado por vermfly hace casi 6 años

@vermfly Go for it. I have found that it has really caused me to explore some areas close to home that I have often over looked.

Publicado por hallnatec hace casi 6 años

Is there an easy online way to generate that five-mile radius map?

Publicado por gyrrlfalcon hace casi 6 años

@gyrrlfalcon So I used this but it doesn't have the same capabilities it once had.

But this site also looks good.

Publicado por hallnatec hace casi 6 años

@gyrrlfalcon @hallnatec Someone in the 5MR Birding Facebook group made a fantastic set of tools to make the map. https://github.com/joshuahchapman/5mr-tools

Publicado por vermfly hace casi 6 años

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